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    Abbott (Suckling) Collection

    Family scenes, holidays (local leave?), relaxing - swimming, boating, tennis.

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Bryan Abbott , who served in the Colonial service in Nigeria after WW2.

    Abbott (Suckling) Collection

    Nigerian Police Passing out parade and Christmas in Nigeria

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Bryan Abbott , who served in the Colonial service in Nigeria after WW2.

    Abbott (Suckling) Collection

    Nigerian troops on parade; family scenes.

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Bryan Abbott , who served in the Colonial service in Nigeria after WW2.

    Abell Collection

    Life in Malaya, including British social occasions, the slaughtering of a cow and goats, and processions in honour of the Prophet Mohammed's birthday.

    Alley Collection

    St. Alban's church (Lutheran) on Azania Front.

    A street scene showing a shop selling kangas.

    Twiga Hotel - the most modern hotel at that time.

    The Buddhist temple in Garden Avenue.

    The pombe (beer) market.



    Allocated 1982


    Helicopters operate from RFA Stromness(?) en route to the Falklands; aircraft arriving and departing at Ascension Island.

    A Lynx helicopter is filmed from the deck of the ship as it lands, takes off ...


    Allocated 1997


    Excerpts from a concert at Hong Kong Stadium on 25 June 1997, shortly prior to handover: in attendance is Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten.


    Remarks: only Tapes 2 and 3 held by IWM.

    Anton-Smith Collection

    Includes shots of Agricultural Officers on tour and various agricultural and fisheries research projects including coffee and groundnuts. These are interspersed with shots of African schoolgirls invited to tea with their Teacher ...

    Anton-Smith Collection

    Various items showing people and places in the life of an Agricultural Officer in Northern Rhodesia.

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Mr Anton-Smith, an Agricultural Officer in Northern Rhodesia (and later Zambia). ...

    Anton-Smith Collection

    Agricultural Workers in Northern Rhodesia 1961-62.

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Mr Anton-Smith, an Agricultural Officer in Northern Rhodesia (and later Zambia). His wife Anne was a Teacher and later ...


    Tom and Sukie arrive in Malta to spend the holidays with their father, an archaeologist digging for a legendary golden statue of Calypso on the island of Gozo. He fails to meet the children who make friends with Jiminy, a Maltese boy, ...

    Atkinson Collection

    Film is mostly taken up with scenes on board ship, though there are some scenes in Aden: a car being loaded with baggage, and some people at work on cars, perhaps in a mechanic's shop (cars have Aden license plates).
