Sequence showing colonial life in Allahabad; leaving Allahabad station and a journey by train and ship; more colonial lifestyle; scenes in Benares; Nicola's wedding; Lucknow races.
Production / Donor Details: The collection ...
Sequence showing colonial life in Allahabad; leaving Allahabad station and a journey by train and ship; more colonial lifestyle; scenes in Benares; Nicola's wedding; Lucknow races.
Production / Donor Details: The collection ...
Large social picnics for Europeans carrying on life just as though in England. Bombay waterfront from the sea. Visit by Naval gunboat. Holiday on offshore island. The very busy commercial traffic carried on by Indian ocean-going ...
Fox hunting, domestic, ceremonial and countryside.
Production / Donor Details: These cine films were shot by Gordon Loch & Eleanor Loch-Dalyell, parents of British politician Tam Dalyell, during their service in the Empire. Lt.- ...
Indian sea rocky coast. Large thatched hut with Sahib and dog. Light house with Indian on camel. Dusserah at Rewa. Prince on elelphant taking part in parade with Indain troops, mounted lancers and marching band. Military parade at ...
Camel riding. Local women drawing water from well and carrying it home. Bullock carts and their drivers. Englishman plays with his dog on seaside beach near thatched hut.
Production / Donor Details: These cine films were shot by ...
North West Frontier. Local tribesmen. Defensive town walls. Market or Bazaar outside the high walls of fortified border town. Camel carrying timber load. Race course meeting. Memsahib plays with dogs in grounds of residence.
Holy Men/Beggars set up begging bowls watched by Mensahib. Mountain fishing expedition by Memsahib and Sahib. Donkey carrying large paddle like load. Large group of standing Sahibs hold planning meeting in mountains.
Bird shooting with large mixed British party and Indian retainers in flat country side. Display of kill. Shooters take a drink break. Close scrutiny of members of party. Steam rig drilling for oil in countryside near shooting party. ...
Ahmadzar (North West Frontier?): Constuction of Dam by labouring gangs. Bullock teams and labourers. British man and woman on site. Band of local musicians.
Production / Donor Details: These cine films were shot by Gordon Loch & ...
Quiet enclosure at Indian Race meeting.
Toll Bar on main road n the Indian countryside near Panvel.
Small Indian boy with his snake charming act.
Bombay with street market and attention to roadside shrine.
Port Said harbour. Royal Navy sailors visiting the Sphinx. The anchorage at Aden. Bombay bay and harbour. Race course with race meeting. Visit to the historic sites of Old Delhi. Indian rural railway station.
Race horse meeting at the Bombay Race Course(?). Formal grand wedding or ceremony at a Trade Fair? Procession with Indian Boy Scouts providing a marching band.
Horse show in the grounds outside the Red Fort of Delhi with ...
Informal sequences with The Resident and guests in garden of Mysore Residency with foot balling Bishop. The Resident makes tour of inspection up country meets local guard of honour.
Production / Donor Details: These cine films ...
Local people and coastal scenes on the Gold Coast around Elmina.
Production / Donor Details: Film shot by Walter Henry Beasley in the Gold Coast in the 1930s.
Detailed exploration of the Red Fort at Agra with close attention to the architectural features. Distant views of the Taj Mahal framed in windows of Red Fort.
Production / Donor Details: These films were shot by Colonel John ...
Delhi and Quitab. Detailed scenes of the Red Fort. Humayun Mausoleum, Kwat-Ul-Mosque, Kitb Minar. Lodi Tomb. Views of exterior of Holy Temple at Amristar.
Production / Donor Details: These films were shot by Colonel John ...
Kashmir. Formal gardens of Mogul lakeside palace. Ornate flowers;orchards. Houseboats moored at the lake. Canal trade. Town scape of lake side town. Outdoor potter working with his wheel Grand lady memsahib inspecting her large garden ...
Amateur film shot by Gerald Selous as British Consul at Basra (1930-1932) and as Commercial Counsellor at Cairo (1933-1938) covers British Imperial Airways Hannibal, construction of dam at Jabal Awliya, White Nile, Sudan ...
Reel 1: "Shall Mills, TPT and Camp". Camel and mule transport. Ambulance truck. Two British officers in solar topees.
Reel 2: "Shall Mills and Tennis, Pishin" (ie Baluchistan). Camel transport. ASD (DSA) on mountainside. Playing tennis. [Film ...
Reel 8: "Well at Jhak. Shelabagh" (ie Baluchistan) Indians irrigate using cows to draw water from well. Volley ball.
Reel 9: "Srinagar, Kashmir" Tourist scenes of lake and river traffic.
Reel 10: "Barrack building, Wana" (ie Waziristan) ...
Reel 17: "Shall Mills, Troops and TPT" Indians practise wrestling. Military encampment. Camel transport train.
Reel 18: "11/4th GR Recruits' PT" Indian recruits do PT and learn rifle drill. (Captain Reed was administrative Commandant of 11/4th ...
Reel 26: "Pipe band and sports" Indian turbaned troops parade and play pipes. Colonel Hamlin (?, tall bald officer) attends regimental sports day.
Reel 27: "Moplah acrobatics" (ie South India) Muslim men in distinctive white dress perform ...
Incomplete (professionally made?) record of a trip to Brazil by the Graf Zeppelin airship and thence to Chile via Argentina by aeroplane.
The film, taken mostly on board the airship, shows its progress from the ...
Amateur film by unidentified cameraman, with intertitles, records various cavalry events by the Bombay Light Horse (an Indian Army reserve regiment) on the flat and over fences, including Section Jumping, the Lamba Kan Stakes, tent-pegging (Symons' ...
Home movie shot in Waziristan, on the NW Frontier of India, ca 1930.
The film shows several of the Camps at which the Frontier troops were based, including Mansai, Jandola, Sorarogha and ...
Home movie shot in Waziristan, on the NW Frontier of India, ca 1930.
The film begins by showing a practice parachute supply drop and there then follows a sequence showing a convoy of ...
Scenes in the life of the Indian Army Corps of Engineers. Film shows Indian Army (Bengal Sappers & Miners) life: training: drill and bayonet practice; marching; bridge building (good shots); constructing a drystone building; shots of ...
Pageant -St Georges & The Dragon. Sports day. Races. Tug of war. Egg and Spoon race. Demonstration of lorry assembly by Indian mechanics. Oil derricks. Camel train and Indian Frontier crossing.
Production / Donor Details: These ...
Bidding farewell to servants & friends in India. Sea jouney home. Port & town of Aden. Passage through the Suez Canal. Shipping in the canal. Shoreside views from the ship. Tour of Port Said & its momuments. Marsailles city scape ...
Trials at Chakala Military Testing Ground of Armoured Cars/Light tanks which cross over rough terrain at speed and ford rivers. Trials of large armoured personal carrier pulling big field gun. Large gathering of observing English ...
Flowering trees in streets in central Bombay streets around the Victoria Terminus..
Production / Donor Details: These films were shot by Colonel John Hamilton Bernard Peyton (Indian Army).
Life at Naini Tal.
Production / Donor Details: The collection comprises two sets of films. The early films were made by Lady Kendall, wife of Sir Charles Kendall, in Allahabad, Benares, Naini Tal, Lucknow and England. The second ...
The Donaldson family moving into the Collector's House at Aligarh, mid 1930s; fishing; country race meeting and fairground; preparing to move the Collector's camp; gardening, extensive bazaar sequence.
Production / Donor ...
Various views of life in India: street scenes, camping, acrobatics, elephant ride and rural life. Includes an excellent sequence of fishermen beating the water with long poles and retreiving the catch with scoop nets while balancing on ...
Roorkie?: Engineering Training School (could be Knox School?) and Engineering Corps recruit training and regimental sports:
Playing polo. Gymkhana with trick and formation riding, various jolly games, band playing. Swimming in ...
Views in Uttar Pradesh including Roorkee and Hardwar: rivers, countryside, buildings and town scenes. Also houses, bungalows and gardens built for the British.
Production / Donor Details: This collection was shot by Brigadier Cecil ...
Sea voyage from Bombay(?) in the P&O liner Stratheden: embarkation and safety drills; off-loading and oiling at Aden(?); passage along the Suez canal; busy scenes at Port Said including good scenes of the 'Bum boats', and arrival in ...
Scenes from Elisabeth Morrison's young childhood with her family in the family bungalow in Northern Nigeria.
Production / Donor Details: The films in the Morrison Collection were shot by William Graham Morrison, who went to ...
Family leave in Norfolk. Voyage to India. Stromboli. Port Suez. Quayside scenes. Indus bridge? (Large iron girders) near Peshawar. Scenery of Khyber Pass with road, railway, frontier posts and forts. Rocky mountains.
Display by ...
Port Said harbour and its waterfront. Shipping ready to enter Suez Canal.
European Weddings in India. Bridal procession. Outdoor reception. Foxhunt gathers for the start of the hunt. The lakes of Kashmir. The craft on the water. ...
Colonial bungalow. Garden and servants. Marching brass military band. Tennis match at bungalow. Street scenes. Rural life & husbandry. Oil drilling field. Heavy snow fall in Pakistani Hill town. Polo match.
Production / Donor ...
Tourist trip around sites of Delhi. Rural life. Imperial Airways aircraft on ground . Working then housed in hangar. Train journey to Bombay where Ocean liner is boarded with views of docks and city sea front. Aden sea front. Tea party ...
Karakhoram hillstation. Muree. Scenery of Himalayan foothills with their Pine forests and hill roads. Domestic life. Bungalow. Garden. Flowers. Baby playing. Ayahs and outdoor servants. Ayahs take babies in prams for walk. Oil fields ...
Four reels on VHS: reel 1. Packing up car for journey to Sirenugar(sic)...the poplar tree approach...Indians sawing up logs...picnic...Views of Gulmerg. Reel
2: Views of Srenugar(sic)...Guest House No.3...Indian Village... ...
India late 1930s or early 1940s, urban street life and European and Indian seaside beach life, including a short sequence of Gandhi walking with a small group of followers towards the shore.
Ship passage to India. Arrival. Train journey inland. Army manoeuvres with camel troops, parade sequence. Aftermath of big train wreck and the subsequent recovery operations. Formal opening of railway line by Maharaja, inspection of ...
Travel shots of journey through Bengal(?) province showing river scapes /river traffic. Europeans taking part in a fun sports open air event in front of Indian soldiers. Detailed views of the new city of New Delhi and contrasts with ...