Just the Man for the Job - Welensky visits a cement factory in Nyasaland.
Prize Day at St. Andrews - Blantyre.
Pax Park is Opened for Girl Guides.
Spotlight on Mufulira - scenes in the mine, ...
Just the Man for the Job - Welensky visits a cement factory in Nyasaland.
Prize Day at St. Andrews - Blantyre.
Pax Park is Opened for Girl Guides.
Spotlight on Mufulira - scenes in the mine, ...
The tour of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh to India, Pakistan, Sarawak, Singapore, North Borneo, Hong Kong, the Solomon, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Christmas Island, the Bahamas, Bermuda and the Northern Line Islands.
A study of Northern Nigeria as it prepares for self-government.
The commentator introduces Africa as the 'continent of the future' before he outlines, through a map, the different regions of Nigeria. First, the film highlights the ...
Set in the North West Frontier province of British India around the turn of the century against a background of tension between the Moslems and Hindus. A rebel Moslem faction is seeking to kill the six year old son of the ruling Hindu ...
India 1820. An officer of the British East India Company, against all opposition, tracks down a gang of religious thieves and murderers.
The following statement regarding the story prior to the opening credits: 'For hundreds of years ...
When the daughter of a trade union organiser announces her relationship with a black man, the revelation exposes deep prejudice and hidden conflicts in her family.
This television play, part of the 'Armchair Theatre' ...
Token of Gratitude - presentation of ambulance to Bulawayo hospital.
Straight from the Dog's Mouth - dog show.
Roughing it in Comfort - tent/caravan trailer.
Latest in Bush Clearing - balls ...
The Final Copper Process - copper refinery at Ndola.
Survey into Sight - St. John mobile eyesight survey in bush.
Lifting Trees Roots and All - the Carey Stumper new invention.
Do it ...
Richsha Stops Traffic.
Children's Home for Broken Hill - Welensky opens.
Model Husbands - annual display of Mashoualand model club.
Durban's Mayor Pays a Visit.
Currie Cup Triumph For ...
Standard tourist film about the Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland.
Progress report on the Kariba Dam scheme.
Material from films nos. 1-4 and 9-13 is included in films nos. 5-7.
Tour of Nyasaland, Europe, U.K. and arrival back in Cape Town.
'Holiday Highlights. Nyasaland - Rome - Switzerland - Austria - France - Entebbe - Germany - UK: Buckingham Palace Guard. Duke of Yorks School, Dover; ...
A general recruiting film for the services which "will all be regulars by the end of 1962".
Opening scenes from Cyprus, Jordan, Aden and Malaya suggest the Forces' work ("wherever armed force threatens the peace of ...
Government film reviewing the year, 1959.
Catalogue coverage. Royal tour of Brunei. Tunku Abdul Rahman, one of Asia's "most enlightened leaders", visits the Philippines.Tun Abdul Razak becomes PM. Emergency ...
Short documentary about the game of football.
Opening with Cup Final (Wolves 3, Leicester 1), film shows football being played in backstreets, at school and by amateur teams, including Chinese and Nigerian visitors. ...
Historic and folk sequences from Northern Nigeria.
Production / Donor Details: Donor worked as a Forestry Officer in Nigeria.
European families enjoying cricket and swimming. European family in bush and by a water hole catching fish. A farewell parade for a local European dignitary.
Production / Donor Details: Mr King served with the Bechuanaland ...
A visit to the Molepolole Lion Sanctuary, with shots of cubs and a tame monkey. Also a visit by the High Commissioner to a local village: his arrival in a small Air force plane, his tour of the village with local dignitaries, and his ...
Scenery at Kalambo Falls. Installation of a Chief in his own village. Supervised Local Council Elections in a village. Manoeuvres and military drill by King's African Rifles out in the Savannah.
Production / Donor Details: ...
European team tackle eradication of the fly which causes Onchoceriasis ('River Blindness'). Habitat of the fly and larvae. Exploration of the Victoria Nile for infestation sites. Construction of cross-river pipeline to carry ...
A film of a safari from Isiolo in the Northern Frontier District of Kenya across Chalbi desert to North Horr(?). 2 Landrovers with police radio equipment to keep in touch with outside world.
Good footage of work to help eliminate the tsetse fly problem in Kenya. Var aerial shots of area, ground shots of bush clearance, rivers and wetlands.
Good shots of wildlife.
Production / Donor Details: ...
Rhodesia: Vumba. Mountain Lodge Hotel - family scenes.
Scenes - mostly in Moroto - of living in Karamoja, Uganda.
Includes: building Morotochurch; a 'barazza' (meeting with tribesmen) in Rupa, a settlement at the foot of mount Moroto; the bi-weekly Moroto bus (the only public ...
A record of life in the District HQ of Karamoja Distrcit, Uganda, 1958 - 60. Edited. Personal film, but also show this remote station, the housing, office and dukas (shops), activities like refuse collection and the station farm, ...
Various scenes in the Bahamas, possibly including surveying? Swimming leisure; Car racing. Carnival.
Scenes in the Bahamas. Surveying. Visit of Duke of Edinburgh. Leisure, swimming, snorkeling.
3 x Edited films. 'Local leave': record of holiday journey through East Africa. Map shows journey: from Uganda through Kenya, and back to Uganda via Tanganyika. Train Journey - Kampala - Nairobi - Mombasa. Fort Jesus. Zanzibar: ...
Home life: many shots of flowers in bloom. Home helps, gardener, dogs, tortoise, more flowers.
Production / Donor Details: Ellis and Greta Williams worked for the Government in Uganda from 1949 to independence; Mr. Williams ...
Intertitles. Various scenes in Jinja. Hydroelectric dam. Kampala. Parade of troops on sports ground, in honour of Queen's birthday. City scenes, busy traffic. Western extension rail route inaugural train and passenger train. Kaazi ...
Deals with developments in Qatar, an ancient sheikhdom in the Persian Gulf which is largely desert. Shows how Doha, the capital city is being largely rebuilt.
Uses material from Traditional Samoa Films Nos. 1-4 and 9-13.
Intended as the first of a BBC series called "Travellers' Tales" prepared by the staff of David Attenborough but not transmitted. Designed to have a commentary which the NFA does not ...
Sir Robert Menzies reviews his diplomatic tour of 1959.
Deals with the mission of an engineer who has to build a railway in the African jungles aftet two of his colleagues have gone missing.
Backed by Columbia since 1953, Irving Allen and Albert (Cubby) Broccoli’s Warwick Film Productions ...
A travelogue taking the form of a car journey through the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.
A car with luggage on its roof passes a sign saying 'Welcome to Bulawayo' as the voiceover emphasises the development of the city 'in the seventy ...
I. Families Day, Portsmouth, 1 May, 1959. HA as guests arrive by launch and onboard the dockyard tug Grinder. The spectators crowd the island as the Sea Hawk FGA.6s of 801 Squadron make a mass start. Visitors watch a dive- ...
An introduction to the modernised HMS Victorious and her air group.
Impressive statistics about Britain's "latest aircraft carrier", and a guide to the geography of the ship - bridge, remote ...
I. A 3-in-1 whaler is lowered from HMS Victorious; slings are unhooked and removed. Whaler under oars in medium sea. LA MS track down starboard side of Victorious (R.38) in harbour - near stern, whaler is hooked on ready for hoisting. Scimitar and ...
I. MS sequence as HMS Eastbourne (F.73) leaves Portsmouth, heading out towards Spithead. Whirlwind anti-submarine helicopter, minesweeper HMS Killiekrankie (M.1128), and a small motor vessel, Jato, also appear on screen.
II. Squid ATW. MCU of ...
Amateur film shot by Group-Captain Hugh Verity shows English Electric Canberra B.6. at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, before aerial and ground views of airfields en route to and from Singapore: Akrotiri (Cyprus), Bahrain, Karachi Civil, Katunayake ( ...
Amateur Army film intended to illustrate some of the methods used in dealing with EOKA terrorists in Cyprus. A British vehicle-mounted patrol demonstrates the correct counter-ambush drill, forcing the ambushers to quickly retreat. A tracker team ...
Dramatised Army film in which a young Army nurse arrives in Singapore for her first posting at the British Military Hospital. She is shown her accommodation, meets the matron and ward sister and sees something of Singapore with other newly arrived ...
AKC News Parade film No.323, 13 April 1959; including visit of Prince Philip to Christmas Island; floods in Madagascar; the journey of US nuclear submarine USS Skate to the North Pole, and the scattering of the ashes of the Australian explorer, Sir ...
I. Palace Barracks, Holywood, Northern Ireland. Taking the salute, 1956
II. 1st Battalion Royal Northumberland Fusiliers in New Territories, Hong Kong, 1959.
III. Palace Barracks, Holywood, Northern Ireland. St George's Day, 1957 ...
Incomplete report on Aden, beginning with a series of short interviews with men of the Northamptonshire Regiment, then engaged in patrolling the border between Aden and Yemen. The film goes on to show interviews with the Aden finance minister, Sheikh ...