Rehearsal of Fleet concert party. "Blue Jackets" band of HMS St Angelo marches down Kingsway, Valletta; crowd lines street. Street Lining party provided by Malta shore establishments takes up positions in Kingsway. Band and ...
Rehearsal of Fleet concert party. "Blue Jackets" band of HMS St Angelo marches down Kingsway, Valletta; crowd lines street. Street Lining party provided by Malta shore establishments takes up positions in Kingsway. Band and ...
Visit of Sir Anthony Eden and CIGS (Field Marshal Harding) to 848 Squadron RN, Malaya.
(Reel 1) Display of trooping lifting and parachute techniques evolved by the Royal Navy and the SAS. Sir ...
Investiture at HAFMED, Malta.
Vice-Admiral James A Fife, USN (Deputy C-in-C Allied Forces Med) presents decorations on behalf of US government to four British officers (for service in Korea), ...
Queen's Birthday Parade, Mauritius, taken from HMS Gambia. No details.
Summary: cataloguing incomplete as the film has not been viewed - information is taken from CNI records.
(Taken in HMAS Quadrant.) Destroyers in line astern and ahead; fleet forming up; fleet dressed overall at entrance to Singapore Roads.
Summary: cataloguing incomplete as the film has not been viewed - ...
The informal visit of Vice-Admiral R A Ofstie USN to Malta, July 1955.
Fort St Elmo fires salute as USS Salem (US Sixth Fleet) passes breakwater. HMS Sheffield fires salute in Grand Harbour. ...
(Part 1) (a) Visit to Grand Turk Island: cable parties prepare to enter harbour, pilot comes on board. Shot from bridge. Quartermaster sounds by hand lead line. Port anchor goes - cable running out. Commissioner arrives on ...
Visit of Commander-in-Chief, Italian Naval Forces to Malta, July 1955.
(Part 1) Italian flagship Luigi di Savoia Duca Degli Abruzzi fires salute as Vice-Admiral Vittorio De Pace (C-in-C) ...
"HMS Birmingham. Ceremony of the Keys at Gibraltar, December 1955." (Taken from CNI records.)
HMS Birmingham enters Algiers firing national salute; returned by shore batteries. C-in-C Med and ...
A party for British children onboard HMS Forth, submarine depot ship at Malta.
LA.LS from quayside to HMS Forth alongside - a huge Father Christmas figure has been erected as if in the act of ...
Naval publicity short featuring the Sea Hawks of 806 NAS onboard HMS Centaur in the Mediterranean. The emphasis is on the aerobatic skill of the pilots rather than any more martial qualities ...
I. AA Defence of ships. LA.MS of twin 40mm AA as it trains and fires - destroyer's funnel in the background, frame right. MS in rear of 6x40mm on aircraft carrier - mounting trains and fires.
II. Aerial MLSs of HMS Eagle underway with escorting ...
I. MS sequence showing a whaler under oars in Grand Harbour, Malta, and HA shot as whaler is lowered from davits on cameraship, and boat falls made up. Boat's crew bear off, are cast loose and ship oars.
II. Sequence showing two whalers under ...
0-400 A. Tame monkey: Ant hill: Tracks in jungle: Ferry across river: Ju-Ju dolls: Native fete: Coco Palms: Market in village: native huts in village: Cattle: Ferry: River scene: River side village: Pineapples ...
0-400 E. Trials personnel arriving at Port Harcourt Airport: Scenes at airport: Railway: Native Dwellings: Marking out trials area: Recoilless gun being emplaced: Firing shell burst and cloud passage: Second ...
0-400 H. Building Operations: Living Quarters: Vehicles: Field Guns: General views of living quarters and laboratory: Vehicles moving to trial site: Canoes on river: Natives canoeing: River launch: Carpenters ...
The visit of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh during their world tour on 24th Novemebr 1953.
Story of Arab traders' seduction of Galana tribesmen from their peaceful ways and the efforts of a game warden to bring them back.
A rare sequel from Ealing Studios, and a collaboration with the South African company, the ...Education for rural children in Northern Rhodesia, both white and black.
Amateur film. The first section of the film includes shots of giraffes, elephants, a river with raging torrents, flowers, the Karamojan tribe dancing, a hunted animal dying. Also includes film of young men being circumcised. A pool of blood lies on the ...
Travelogue of Jamaica.
The wealth which its timber brings to the Gold Coast.
Work of Missionary International House for overseas students in London, the theme being that there is no colour bar of racial discrimination. Includes footage of the House in Bayswater, and overseas students (mainly African) boarding there ...
Documentary on the dependencies of Mauritius, the islands of Rodriguez and Diego Garcia and the social and economic life of the islands.