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    Semi-fictionalised film showing the rle of the local council in Kojokrom, a town in the Western Region of the Gold Coast (Ghana).

    The film opens with a schoolteacher announcing the council election results. Mr Addo, ...


    Film showing the importance of Yong Peng, with particular emphasis on the contrast between past, present and future.

    The film begins by explaining how this thriving village was once a trouble spot plagued by ...

    Peskett Collection

    Footage of travels round northern Uganda and southern Sudan, including various shots of a market, ferry journeys, local parades and dancers.

    Peskett Collection

    Murchison Falls National Park and Queen Elizabeth National Park; elephants; different shots of the Falls including a rainbow over the water; hippos, crocodiles, and a trip down river. Some family shots of picnic etc. ...

  • Prentice Collection: The Survey & Control of River Blindness (Onchocerciasis) in Uganda 1959
    Prentice Collection

    European team tackle eradication of the fly which causes Onchoceriasis ('River Blindness'). Habitat of the fly and larvae. Exploration of the Victoria Nile for infestation sites. Construction of cross-river pipeline to carry ...


    QATAR 1955

    Great Britain

    Qatar's new found prosperity due to the oil industry.

    Great Britain

    A film made to recruit Iraquis for the oil industry.


    Scenes from the Queen's Birthday, Floriana, Malta.

    Sir Gerald Creasy arrives and makes his inspection. Parade, including a contingent of Girls of the St John Ambulance Brigade. The firing of ...


    Queen's Birthday Parade, Mauritius, taken from HMS Gambia. No details.


    Summary: cataloguing incomplete as the film has not been viewed - information is taken from CNI records.


    No. 68 Photographic Squadron, which has been redrawing the map of Africa, moves all its men and equipment by air to Nairobi.

    Great Britain



    Film showing aspects of RAF operations in Malaya; Dakota transport aircraft drop supplies to soldiers in the jungle, rocket-armed late mark Spitfires take off from an airfield near Kuala Lumpur to attack insurgent targets, Lincoln bombers are armed ...


    Amateur footage of Harvard and Lincoln planes operating in Kenya. The film includes images of a bombing raid over the Nyambeni Forest.

    Filmed from inside the cockpit of a plane, the colour footage initially shows a plane taking off. The film ...


    Movement of dock at intervals, over four hours. On control platform. Compression.


    Summary: cataloguing incomplete as the film has not been viewed - information is taken from CNI records.


    Promotional film highlighting work done at the Tanganyika Branch.

    Pleaes note: film made 8 years after Tanganyikan RC started - in 1949 - hence film probably made in 1957 - Lady Limerick laying foundation stone (in 1951) - men's ...

    Great Britain

    Emphasises the need for improvement of social conditions and closer integration of all races in East Africa to enable Africans to cope with social and economic changes which have taken place.

    Shots of mountains and plains of ...


    A report on life in Korea and Malaya - featuring jungle patrols searching for terrorists, a day in the life of a rubber planter and civil precautions against terrorists.


    Documentary film of the Anglo-French intervention in and around Suez and Port Said in November 1956.

    "At the Mediterranean head of the Suez Canal is the town of Port Said. It was the scene of British and French ...

    Great Britain

    Detailed survey of Cyprus today. Explains islands strategic location in relation to international politics. History of island outlined up to and from 1878 when Britain was asked to defend the island.

    THIS MODERN AGEGreat Britain

    Report on problems of population and labour in Hong Kong. This Modern Age Series no. 34


    Progress report on the Kariba Dam scheme.

    Central African Republic

    Report on the Kariba Dam scheme, and the effects of the record floods.


    Sir Robert Menzies reviews his diplomatic tour of 1959.


    Organisation and methods of the police service in Singapore, exemplified in the story of four men who steal a diamond ring from a village and are finally captured by scientific methods, smart detection and public information. Includes footage of ...