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Animated film sponsored by the Empire Marketing Board, it is designed to persuade British consumers that 'Empire Buying Begins at ...
School children celebrate Empire Day (43ft).
Schoolschildren celebrating Empire Day (50ft).
The Empire Premiers inspect the airship R.33 and its mooring post (96ft).
The Empire Premiers opn HMS 'Revenge' witness a mock battle and naval display at sea. (Mackenzie King and William Cosgrave ...
Empire premiers at Cambridge University, including Mackenzie King of Canada, and the Maharajah of Burdan (44ft).
Leopold Amery, the Colonial Secretary, and Empire premiers gathered for the Imperial Conference at 10 Downing Street (88ft).
ACTUALITY. An amalgamation of two events featuring the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley. The opening of the exhibition by King ...
Prince Henry in Hyde Park for Empire Day celebrations (52ft).
King George V and Queen Mary at Wembley Stadium for Empire Day service (65ft).
The goodwill tour of the Royal Navy's special service squadron around the world, November 1923 to September 1924.
The ...
Main title. No series number. "Pictures Exclusive to Topical Budget" (6). "A Panorama presenting some of Wembley's Wonders" (10). Iris ...