This film is held by the BFI (ID: 12935).
ACTUALITY. Salvation Army members and villagers in India parade past a camera. In two parts.
No titles. Men and women in Salvation Army uniforms and pith helmets march right to left then turn and march left to right in close-up past the camera. They are followed by horse-drawn carriages (20). An officer in a white uniform organises the horse-drawn carriages (37). A man in Army uniform with a large beard, Commissioner Edward Higgins, walks to camera with other officers and salutes (60). Hunting with dogs (81). Higgins on horseback with two other officers leads a band, officers carrying flags and other officers along a country track, all wave enthusiastically to camera (158). The natives standing watching the parade follow (178). Filmed from a slightly elevated position: the parade, headed by Higgins enters a village, followed by the band and officers and in the background people bearing pots (238ft)
Part 2. [Continuation of above]. Filmed from a slightly elevated position a large group of Indians march past the camera. They are led by a group of children four-abreast. These are in turn followed by groups of men and women many of whom carry pots, pans, tools and implements. A large loom is also carried. The parade is followed by a number of bullock carts carrying passengers and goods (?) (71ft). (309ft).