"BALKAN REFUGEES." "Turk, Bulgar and Greek refugees seeking work, are examined and photographed before receiving their pass" (11).MS Army officers controlling a line of refugees (22). LS Officers sitting at a table checking the men's papers and issuing passes (51). MS posed scene with one of the refugees sitting on a chair ready to have his photograph taken. A soldier turns his head towards the camera (for filming) (65).
"MESSAGES FOR THE GERMANS." "French Artillery men stacking shells before…
"BALKAN REFUGEES." "Turk, Bulgar and Greek refugees seeking work, are examined and photographed before receiving their pass" (11).MS Army officers controlling a line of refugees (22). LS Officers sitting at a table checking the men's papers and issuing passes (51). MS posed scene with one of the refugees sitting on a chair ready to have his photograph taken. A soldier turns his head towards the camera (for filming) (65).
"MESSAGES FOR THE GERMANS." "French Artillery men stacking shells before despatching them to the Germans" (72). Large number of shells stacked up in an open area, with French soldiers wandering between them. Pan shot of the scene. LS Men stacking more shells (125)
"THE BLIND FIDDLER." "Heroes who have lost their sight in the service of the country dance with their nurses with a courage that defies affliction." (132). LS Man playing a violin as three couples of dancing soldiers and nurses whirl round to the music. More couples dance in the same area. Most of the male dancers appear to be blind (184).
"EMPIRE DAY." "London school children celebrate the First Official Empire Day. Wounded Australian and Canadian soldiers watching the ceremony" (192). LS Young boys and girls file out of school carrying Union Jacks (203). Lined up, they wave their flags (209). LS Boy cadets stand to attention as injured Australian and Canadian soldiers walk between the rows of children (223). LS the Mayor and civic dignitaries following (236). "Saluting the flag as they march past" (240). LS the Mayor watches the march past of the cadets (251) LS little girl offers sweets to the Australian and Canadian soldiers (269). MS Union Jack (279ft).
Empire Day was 24th May, 1916.
The archive also has an incomplete copy of the issue, carrying the first three stories only (150ft), that has red toned intertitles.