This film is held by the Imperial War Museum (ID: COI 639).
Government publicity for the national four-year plan.
The narrator stresses the urgent need for expansion if trade is to remain at existing levels, and Singapore retain its position as a great port - dredging operations, new industrial estates, generating plants, river schemes, etc. Social as well as economic development is needed - low cost housing, draining swampy areas for building land, new schools for almost all of the children, facilities for the elderly, hospitals, clinics, maternity homes and dental centres. Men need work, but they also need relaxation, and this too is provided under the 'people's plan' - new TV and radio services, local theatres, community centres and parks. The scheme requires everyone's active cooperation, and ordinary citizens and representatives of trade unions, industry and government voice their approval for the plan. The Minister of Finance tells his audience that they will not become rich, but with luck and a lot of cooperation the national plan will "keep our rice bowls filled and give us a decent living."