This film is held by the Imperial War Museum (ID: MGH 1444).
(61A) November 1936: High Commissioner Wauchope at official opening ceremony of the Bennison Jewish Hospital near Sharon. Briefly in synch and then being taken around the brand new buildings. The Secretary of the Histradut (the Jewish Labour Union) and Deputy Mayor of Tel Aviv speak very briefly in Hebrew.
(3B/second series) Summer 1945: David Ben Gurion speaking on the remnants of European Jewry in Hebrew.
(2B/second series) Early 1945: Soon after his return to Palestine towards the end of the war Weizmann inspects a group of volunteers for the Jewish Brigade. Moshe Shertok (later Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister of the State of Israel) introduces him to some volunteers. Very brief speeches at microphone.
Extracts from a series of newsreels produced for the Jewish audience in Palestine, 1929-1947.
Documentation/associated material: Axelrod catalogue (held in photocopy form by Film and Video Archive).
Summary: the story that Axelrod tells about the second item is that he went to a luncheon of the journalists club in Tel Aviv to film an address by Ben Gurion but did not take his sound equipment with him. He was so impressed by Ben Gurion's speech that he asked him to come back to his studio where he could record him in synch. Hence the mute long shot and totally different close up synch shot.