Leake Collection: 1: Travels from Bombay to Agra and Fatehpur Sikri 1940-41

This film is held by the British Empire & Commonwealth Museum (ID: 2002/068/001).


Footage begins at Gateway to India, with other excellent shots of Bombay.

Extended coverage of Old and New Delhi including a parade outside Viceroy's House, then Agra and Fatehpur Sikri.

Production / Donor Details: The film was shot by the donor's father (who worked with British Insulated Cables in the 1930s), during his participation as a co-opted member in a Ministry of Supply government mission to India in November 1940 (the Leader of the Mission was Sir Alexander Roger, formerly of British Insulated Cables). It also includes his subsequent journey home via Australasia & America in 1941.



  • Leake Collection: 1: Travels from Bombay to Agra and Fatehpur Sikri 1940-41 (Archive)
Series Title:
Leake Collection

Technical Data

Film Gauge (Format):
VHS Other

Production Credits

Production Details
See synopsis