UFA NR <ca 658>
This film is held by the Imperial War Museum (ID: GWY 361).
I. Springtime agriculture in Southern Crimea. Peasants dig earth against distant background of snow-tipped mountains and vineyards beside sea (Black Sea bordering Southern Crimea ?). Tractors drive out of plant and plough between trees. German soldiers are visible overseeing these scenes of labour and harmony.
II. Peacetime views of Burma. Camera tilts down spire of Shwe Dagon Pagoda in centre of Rangoon and shows temple lion statues and feeding of pigeons. Views of former capital Mandalay show the moat surrounding the Fort and a temple.
III. Spring thaw hampers German armour on Central Sector of Eastern Front. Melting snow has turned fields into lakes and roads into morasses so that German forces use tank to pull boat against strong current of floods; other soldiers cross flooded river by Schlauchboot. Car and trucks pass through flooded streets of Orel, truck slews round in slush and Sdkfz 251 half-track negotiates sludge reaching to top of its wheels. German soldiers with horses make better progress in these conditions. Elsewhere in wooded district, where trees have been devastated by gunfire and snow still lies in patches, Germans advance to attack through water; log-built house burns and soldier climbs onto knocked-out T-34; camera pans across other wrecked T-34s, signalling Russian defeat.
IV. Reichsarbeitsdienst workers lay railway line on Eastern Front. RAD workers lay sleepers and new track in town and plant their distinctive spade-emblem flag. Men eat from canteens.
V. German railway gun shells Leningrad, clearly visible. Camera's telescopic lens (causing foreshortening) pans across snow and ice to industrial outskirts of Leningrad, showing explosions caused by 28cm K 5 railway gun. Gun crew (Eisenbahn Artillerie Regiment zbV 679 ?) hoist shells onto loading platform and reload their weapon before firing at the besieged city.
VI. Hitler welcomes Mussolini to Berchtesgaden for talks. Hitler, with Keitel at his side, greets Duce on his arrival in snow at Berghof where guard of honour of Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler stands on parade. The two leaders step indoors with Field Marshals Kesselring and Keitel, then stand silhouetted against the panorama window facing the valley below. Hitler and Mussolini stand poring over map, with General Cavallero (wearing Knights Cross) and Generaloberst Jodl entering the discussion, as Keitel stands looking worried behind his leader's shoulder. The two leaders depart by car down snow-covered mountain overlooking valley and take leave of each other by Duce's railway train, filmed by Italian cameraman using German Arriflex camera.
Remarks: cataloguing incomplete?
(Alternative) - UFA NR
Technical Data
- Year:
- 1942
- Film Gauge (Format):
- 35mm
- Colour:
- B&W
- Sound:
- Silent
Production Credits
- Production Countries:
- Germany
- Production company