This film is held by the BFI (ID: 12624).
INTEREST. "New Government House - Darjeeling. In Government House grounds". A carriage comes along the drive, escorted by natives. Two women get out of the carriage. The two women and a man talk on the balcony (28). "His Excellency Sir John Anderson's Garden Party". People grouped around. A man in uniform with kilt followed by a man in morning suit. Then come the pipers. They walk up a red carpet amidst great crowds. Native dignitaries present Sir John with a sash (102). Shots of flowers (122). A house and more flowers (140). A native doing a traditional dance (168). Two women and one man are picnicking (219). A car comes up the driveway and a woman gets out (223). Two women in the garden with some natives. There are children too (247). Other shots of various people in the garden (284). A fete (294). An elephant is sitting down. A woman mounts it and they set off. She then gets off and the elephant is fed (319). A native woman and man on another elephant going across a stream (345). Shot of surrounding area including a rhino (359 ft).