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    Government House Garden Party, March 1938: guests and gardens. The Gorrie family garden at '15 Golf Road', with the young Donald Gorrie (donor) showing the viewer around the garden. (B/W) Group walking around Shalimar Old Moghul Garden and Shahdara, ...


    Depicts the work of the London Missionary Society mission ship, John Williams V (launched 1930), and the role of the ship in the life of the mission. Voyage from Suva to Samoa and the Ellice Islands.


    Indian village life including a Brahmin initiation ceremony and a Hindu wedding.

    Peasant life in a village in Rajputana. Early morning in the village; worshippers enter a Hindu temple as a gong is sounded (155). The village well; peasants, though ...


    Scenes of Hong Kong including: Aberdeen, a fishing village; Repulse Bay; the Island Road; Shaukiwan, an old Chinese port; North Point, including Chinese bathing beach, Dragon boat race and open air theatre; Causeway Bay; and Wong Nei Chong, or, Happy ...


    Four sons revenge their father who was murdered by a munitions conspiracy.


    Photographed at Mindolo and Nkana, N. Rhodesia. Depicts work to improve levels of literacy in the mining compounds and surrounding settlements of the Copper Belt, including the Mindolo mission press run by the London Missionary Society for the ...


    Scenes from Hong Kong including: Shatin Valley; Christian Buddhist temple; rice fields; on the Taipo Road, including scenes at the train station; Tolo Harbour; Chinese country houses; a Chinese temple garden; Shing Mun reservoir; ruins of a walled city ...


    Scenes in Hong Kong including: Official opening of Hong Kong Bank; Romany Fair in St. Andrews Church grounds (1936); Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph (1936); Proclamation of the accession of George VI. Compiled in April 1937 and rearranged in March 1938 ...

    Great Britain

    Amateur film. Funeral procession of 5th Baron Brabourne, Governor of Bengal 1937-9, in Calcutta in 1939.


    Oases in the Sahara Desert.


    INTEREST. Travelogue and promotional film for the island of Bermuda.

    Main title and credits (37). LS `Queen of Bermuda' liner leaving harbour of New York (New York skyline not seen) (53). Closer view of the liner as it sails past (77). ...


    BEAU GESTE 1939


    Story of adventures of three brothers in the Foreign Legion, each of whom is taking the blame for jewel theft in England. Re-make of a 1926 silent version. From a novel by P.C. Wren. Screenplay by Robert Carson.