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    GUNGA DIN 1939


    Based on a poem by Rudyard Kipling, GUNGA DIN is a fictional tale set in British India during the Thuggee uprising.


    The British possessions in eastern Africa.

    Great Britain

    Amateur footage of an African village (probably Mufulira) built for factory workers. Sanitation conditions, European housing and recreation facilities


    Family in the British Colonial Service in West Africa. Their son revolts against the life and becomes involved with a trouble making scientist. He and his gang are eventually killed and the son escapes.


    Pygmies of the Central African rain forest; aspects of their way of life - domestic, hunting, and bartering.


    ASHANTI 1939

    Great Britain

    DOCUMENTARY: Destroyer ship "H.M.S. Ashanti" makes her maiden voyage to Ashanti, the country after which she has been named.

    Credits (31), waves, coastline of the Gold Coast, map of Africa showing Ashanti (62), markets (77) naval ...


    NASSAU IN THE 1930s

    Great Britain

    Documentary on the development of an air mail service over the British Empire.


    Biography of the American explorer from his reporting for the New York Herald to the discovery of Livingstone's body and Stanley's conversion.

    Great Britain

    INTEREST. Pearl diving and a pearl fleet in the Persian Gulf.


    INTEREST. Credits (49), hut on stilts from which tribesmen keep guard over their crops (82), dead neelgai shot by the tribesman (87), close-up of a Gond tribesman with axe and spear (92), items such as opium, amulet, pipes which the tribesman ...

    Great Britain

    J. Blake Dalrymple and J. Stirling Gillespie on wildlife filming expedition during a Cape to Cairo trip 1937-1939, largly shot in Zululand.