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    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 6 contains: interviews with Mr Shirubhau Limaye, 'terrorist'; Vice Admiral M. P. Awati (contd. from tape 5); Mr Minoo Masani, ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 7 contains interviews with Mr John S. Lall, member of the elite Indian Civil Service; Mr K.B. Lall, who administered Delhi ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 8 contains interviews with Mr Bipan Chandra; Mr Jagmohan Naidu; Mr Kushwant Singh. Also extensive sequence of Red Fort in ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Interviews with Mr Ravi Dayal, publisher; Dr M.C. Joshi, historian; Mrs Helen Chamanlal and Leila Sikri, Anglo-Indians whose ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Interviews with Mr Amritlal Nagar, Indian author based in Lucknow; Mr Phillips, the Principal of La Martiniere College, Lucknow; ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Interviews with Raja Mohammed Amir Mohammed Khan; Mr Vyankteshwaman Subhedar, descendent of the cavalry commander of Tipu Sultan; ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Interviews with unidentified woman and man, Lucknow?; Deeksha Nagar (grand daughter of Amritlal Nagar), researcher & folk ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 13 contains interviews with Deepack Shahpuri, a descendent of the wealthy and well-connected Pandit Beni Prasad; Prince ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 14 contains interviews with a Club Member and the President of the Dengle Club; Mr Sisir Kumar Bose (Bose's Nephew).


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 15 contains interviews with Mr Radha Prasad Gupta; Dr Christopher Bayly; shots of Sezincote and Powys Castle.


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 16 contains shots of Tipu's sword; Interviews with Dr Philip Mason; Jonathan Marsden; Michael Edwards; Sir Percival ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 17 contains interviews with Sir Percival Griffiths (contd); Mary Lutyens; Christopher Hawes; Norman Hutchinson.