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    START 00:00:00 Views filmed inside a drydock (probably the one at Whampoa Dock from 21 to 24 October 1939) showing the starboard side of HMS Kent during dockyard repairs; clearly visible are the draught marks in Latin numerals painted on the bow ...


    Amateur film shot by Lieutenant-Colonel Wilkinson of the Rajputana Rifles (Wellesley Rifles), Indian Army while serving on the North-West Frontier of India.


    (Reel 1) Map of Palestine with oil pipe line from Iraq to Haifa marked. "September Crisis 1938": HMS Malaya sails from Haifa, under Mount Carmel, to Alexandria, with HMS Gallant (H.59) escorting. Scenes in Alexandria: RN submarine, Fairey Sea Fox ...


    Amateur film shot by Lieutenant David Heber-Percy while serving on HMS Colombo (1933-1935) of shore scenes in the Ceylon (?), Muscat, East Africa, India and Burma, the Seychelles and while serving on HMS Ilex (1937-1939) ...


    START 00:00:00 Monochrome scenes in the South China Sea, summer 1939: view of two naval ratings on duty on the platform with an octuple Mk VII 2-pounder pom-pom and the quadruple .5 inch machine gun mounting on the starboard side of HMS Kent, another ...


    START 00:00:00 Monochrome scenes in the New Territories near the border with China featuring terraced paddy fields in the valleys between the ranges of hills. Views of the walled and moated village of Kam Tin, a narrow alley inside the village and ...


    Tented encampment of 43 DHQ Company of King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners, with Indian sentry on duty; regimental (?) flag flies in the background. Indian bearer grooms Lieutenant Jack's small black and white terrier. Mess tent (?): Indian ...


    START 00:00:00 Title 'Pathscope Safety Film presents "Mediterranean 1938 1939"' superimposed over a still of the G Class destroyer HMS Glowworm (pennant number H92) in the Grand Harbour, Malta. On board the battleship HMS Warspite with spray breaking ...


    Wide shot hills, coach past on road foreground. Car up and past. Ls across valley, white man and native girl with trusk. People wandering through gardens showing flowers. Ls village. cu flowers, native children ...


    Reel 1: Officers on deck of HMS Ajax with female Latin American guests during goodwill visit to unidentified South American port, then extensive coverage of passage of the cruiser through Panama Canal in easterly direction, concluding with views of ...


    Edited colour material taken by Lieutenant-Commander Briggs relaxing in the Mediterranean early in 1939 and at war in the Atlantic, shadowing the Altmark and off Norway in 1940.

    The film ...


    Unedited film showing aircraft taking off from and landing on HMS Courageous and the Fleet at sea, in the late 1930s.

    Various types of aircraft are seen taking off from and landing on ...