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    Morrison Collection

    Countryside of North East Nigeria as seen from a railway train on a long journey. Arrival at Lagos(?). Harbourside quay scenes and sweeping shots of the harbour, its cranes and the port facilities. The voyage to England on board 'MV ...

    Anton-Smith Collection

    Family scenes; grinding rice in a Chinese village; rigging up a model plane.

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Mr Anton-Smith, an Agricultural Officer in Northern Rhodesia (and later Zambia). His wife Anne was a ...

    Gifford Collection

    Travel scenes of the High Mountains Working railway and the movement of goods. Maharaja's wedding festivities. Kashmir holiday: lake scenes with water sports and flower boats. British civil servants at their leisure

    Production ...

    Layard Collection

    Family footage in India.Colour sequences on tea picking and processing.

    Festive procession with dressed elephants near Royal Palace with gardens and reservoir. The Layard girls exercising ponies. Parade / march past of police ...

    Layard Collection

    General footage of Kashmir. Countryside / scenery .Riverside settlements Lakes, boats, European houseboatsclothes washing on river banks, street musicians / dancers performing, walking craft across river, horse riding & picnic in ...

    Jocelyn Abbott Collection

    Lahore 1939

    Jocelyn Abbott Collection

    Simla. North West Frontier Province.


    INTEREST. Voyage through the Mediterranean, special emphasis on Royal Navy ships in the sea.

    r.1 Shots of the sea and coasts representing Ulysses' voyage northward from the Mediterranean (72). The S.S. "Ionian" in the bay of Gibraltar on her ...


    Depicts medical work of the London Missionary Society at Jianganj, specifically at the new hospital built by the Society to serve the Murshidabad district of Bengal. Mission staff featured include Dr. Beryl Bowering and Dr. Oliver Newell.


    KAROO 1939


    A film of life on a Karoo farm in South Africa on which large flocks of sheep ar e kept. We see them being sheared and the wool loaded on to a train for Port El izabeth. Later it is shipped to England. The story is centred round ...


    A ceremonial procession of elephants and carriages. Departure of dignitaries in limousines.


    (B/W) Erosion control in Coon Creek, Wisconsin, "Placed with Siwalik film as my USA tour in 1934-35 gave me ideas as to what was needed in Siwaliks". Trenches and rubble bunds in Kalachitta, Attock. Building stone and wire bolsters in Nurpur Kangra to ...