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    A picture of the contribution made to Britain's war effort by people from Newfoundland.

    The film, which has throughout a strong connecting theme on the importance of the mail link with "back home", opens with scenes ...


    A short film on the expansion of the Royal Indian Navy in the 1930s in both shipping and personnel strength.

    Heavy (RN ?) warships at sea; the sloop HMIS Indus in the pool of London (by Tower Bridge); a parade; new ...


    A survey of the strategic situation of the British Empire in the Far East in the face of "an outside" threat (obviously Japan).

    The film, like the pattern of strength it seeks to portray, is based on Singapore ("one ...


    A picture, early in the war, of the armed solidarity of the British Empire.

    The film serves to illustrate its opening theme: "the Alarm sounded, and the many peoples of the Empire sprang to answer the call to service ...


    An explanation of the background to the War in the Far East and of its probable strategic development, founded entirely on a commentary illustrated by film of a large map of the Pacific on which points are demonstrated, ...


    Life in the Indian Army Unit shown is possibly the 15th Punjab Regiment).

    The day begins with reveill and scenes inside the barracks. The parade ground - physical exercise. Various forms of training are shown - ...


    Reel One: The film opens with the title "WOMEN + WAR" with an illustration of St George and the Dragon, and credits the photography to Mahatta Ltd. Caption "An amateur production arranged by Daphne Goldney Cast The Women War Workers Rawalpindi and ...


    A short propaganda film, produced by the Co-operative Wholesale Society, Manchester, showing the bomb damage to the city of Manchester caused by the German air-raids of 22 and 23 December 1940, with particular emphasis on ...


    START 00:00:00 Black and white footage showing an Admiralty survey map of Gibraltar dated 1921 and views of the 'Rock' as HMS Nelson approaches from the south east (the large sloping water catchment area above Sandy Bay is clearly visible), Europa ...


    START 00:00:00 Filmed between 3 and 6 March 1941 (?), black and white footage showing the new Royal Navy battleship, HMS King George V (in overall Home Fleet dark grey), at sea on HMS Nelson's port and starboard quarter, probabably as part of the ...


    START 00:00:00 Scenes filmed on 28 February 1941 on a cold and wet day in Scapa Flow as a large 24.5-inch torpedo is hoisted back on board HMS Nelson after a practice torpedo firing in the naval anchorage; note the magnesium flare still burning in ...


    Reel 1: (Can marked "Jan 1936, Easter 1936. Boxall, Nelson etc at Gibraltar). Family scenes. HMS Nelson and HMS Rodney during gunnery practice at sea and moored at Gibraltar, shore leave in Toledo and Seville, with town scenes. Naval anti-aircraft ...


    Part I: The arrival of young civilians at primary training centre. "Royal Armoured Corps", A13 Cruisers, A10 Matilda and Valentine tanks on manoeuvres, 'Churchill' being used to demolish house. "Royal Artillery", firing of light and heavy artillery ...


    START 00:00:00 Colour footage of animals at Durban Zoo, South Africa: a lion and lioness in their enclosure. Seals by a pool. A rhinoceros in its enclosure. Ostriches in their enclosure.

    00:00:34. Colour footage of birds at Colombo Zoo, Sri ...


    Bus marked "Nanga Ways" (possibly a reference to the high Kashmir peak Nanga Parbat ?) is loaded prior to departing. In Kashmir: boats of various descriptions (including houseboats) on the Dal Lake by Srinagar. Shots of local houses. Kashmiris ...


    Amateur film shot by a local Bahamian cameraman records the life in the Bahamas of the twenty English evacuee schoolboys evacuated via SS Orduna from Belmont School in Hassocks, Sussex for the period from 1940 to 1944, and shows the Duke of Windsor ( ...


    Amateur film without titles shot by the founder of the Belgian Section of the Royal Navy, Lieutenant Victor Billet, records training scenes (drilling and sport) of the First Contingent at HMS Royal Arthur in October 1940, embarkation of members of ...


    Amateur film by Major Edwin Chapman-Andrews, with full descriptive titles, shot while based on the staff of the C-in-C Middle East as Liaison Officer with Emperor Haile Selassie .

    Film covers the campaign by static ...


    I. 'THE FUNERAL OF GENERAL METAXAS.' Formal parade and guard of honour. The reception of visiting dignitaries followed by the arrival of the widow and family of the deceased. Greek civilians wait in line to pay their respects. Commentary outlines the ...


    I. British Aid to Greece.

    I. 'BRITISH AID TO GREECE.' Quayside views of Greek docks with heavy-lift cranes unloading British military supplies for use by the Greek military. British 4x2 trucks are unloaded. Cut to ...


    I. 'BRITAIN IS READY.' British Prime Minister Winston Churchill watches army exercises. A convoy of troop carrying trucks drives along an isolated road towards the intended area of the exercise. Infantry then climb out of the trucks and set up ...


    I. 'GENERAL DE GAULLE ENTERTAINED AT BRITISH EMBASSY, CAIRO. General Charles de Gaulle (C-in-C Free French) is entertained by Sir Miles (British Ambassador) and Lady Lampson at a garden party in the grounds of the British Embassy in Cairo. General de ...


    I. 'SYRIA AND LEBANON.' Panoramic vista of the Roman ruins at Palmyra as British Bren gun carriers pass under a Roman archway. The Bren gun carriers are supported by British infantry, armed with .45 Thompson sub-machine guns and a .303-inch Bren ...