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    Standard travelogue - family accompany father on a business trip to Rhodesia - all the usual sites are visited.

    Great Britain

    Lime juice production. Made to mark the centenary of the sponsoring firm, L. Rose & Co. Ltd., The sponsor's estates on the island of Dominica where limes are grown and processed.

    In 1966 Dominica was on the brink of major ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    A film made expressly to show African Rhodesians that their 'chiefs' had gone to England. Two such visits were made, one in 1964, to India, Pakistan, Italy, the U.K. and South Africa. In 1965 they visited Portugal, Greece, the U.K. ...

    Dudley Collection

    Various scenes in The Gambia

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Dudley joined the Colonial Office after WW2 and was sent to Nigeria, initially to carry out a land survey assessing the damage done to agricultural land by tin mining ...


    The variety and responsibility of life in the WRAF.

    Airwomen of the WRAF are introduced at an Operation Flight Station and in other roles such as drivers, policewomen and clerks. Women fold parachutes, take part in ...


    Short film with a recruiting aim stressing the importance of the technical grades in the Royal Navy.

    The role of the technician in the modern navy is stressed, along with illustrations of various areas: command and ...


    Naval publicity and recruitment film.

    The hero, Terry Gardner, is discontented with his job on a building site, where the Welsh foreman restricts him to the menial role of tea boy. Terry decides to join the Navy, ...


    Film showing an army catering section at a camp in British Guiana.

    Footage of the soldiers cooking is followed by shots of the canteen; the food being dished out; the site and the area around it; swimming; collecting ...


    AMBUSH 1965


    'Action' drama set in the period of the confrontation with Indonesia.

    Establishing scenes show enemy soldiers carrying out an interrogation in a native village - they torture and kill a villager and raze some of the ...


    Portrait of the British forces helping to defend Aden.

    Behind the tranquillity of the Aden coast (sunbathing on beach) are the "jagged dangerous mountains where Federal Arab Troops stand guard against rebels" (hill ...


    RAF publicity film and travelogue, ostensibly shot be a ground engineer, and amateur cine enthustiast, who also narrates.

    A ground engineer with the Royal Air Force shows some pictures he "has taken recently". Ground ...


    Unedited Rhodesian footage.

    A map pinpointing the location of Rhodesia in the African continent; scenes of black Rhodesians; whites at a polling station; Ian Smith at the Commonwealth Relations office.


    Unedited Rhodesian footage.

    Harold Wilson meets Ian Smith at 10 Downing Street; crowds in the streets; a meeting to discuss UDI; a map pinpointing the location of Rhodesia in the African continent; headlines and ...


    (Reel 1) After departing Little Aden from Salerno Camp (Coldstream Barracks), Hughes records northwards journey in protected convoy on road to Dhala in Land Rover with anti-roll bars and plated against land mines. Fair-haired guardsman is seventeen ...


    Amateur film without titles shot by Flight Officer Anne Peterkin, when serving as a sister in the Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service in the RAF Hospital at Khormaksar Beach from 1964 to 1966, records her ...


    Amateur film without titles shot by Flight Officer Anne Peterkin, when serving as a sister in the Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service in the RAF Hospital at Khormaksar Beach from 1964 to 1966, records her ...


    Amateur film without titles shot by Flight Officer Anne Peterkin, when serving as a sister in the Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service in the RAF Hospital at Khormaksar Beach from 1964 to 1966, records her ...


    Amateur record shot by young Able Seaman Richard Carver, when serving on HMS Salisbury in the Far East in 1962-1965, records off-duty scenes in Singapore and on nearby Snake Island, and naval search party boarding local vessel Naga Mas off Sarawak ...


    Amateur film shot by RAF serviceman Bob Andrews while serving in RAF 105 Squadron and 114 Squadron with RAF Transport Command during the 1960s records ground and air views of transport and supply operations in the area ...


    Reel1: Staff College Course visit to tank demonstration at Royal Armoured Corps, Bovington and visit to Royal Navy (F141 and carrier RO9 at sea). (1958)

    Reel 2: Cyprus. Headquarters 3 Infantry Brigade on exercise. Landing in Nicosia, with Greek ...


    Reel 1: Various dignitaries attend the passing out ceremony of the first six Kenyan Air Force pilots, who have undergone their training with the Royal Air Force. Those attending include Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya president, and Malcolm McDonald, the British ...

    Lawrence Collection

    Scenes in Malaya, 1956

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Major William Lawrence in the 1950s and 1960s in Malaya, Australia, the U.K. and during his overland journey through Asia, India and Europe. During this time he ...

    Lawrence Collection

    Scenes in Malaya, 1956-57

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Major William Lawrence in the 1950s and 1960s in Malaya, Australia, the U.K. and during his overland journey through Asia, India and Europe. During this time ...

    Lawrence Collection

    Scenes in Malaya, 1957

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Major William Lawrence in the 1950s and 1960s in Malaya, Australia, the U.K. and during his overland journey through Asia, India and Europe. During this time he ...