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    CHARULATA 1964


    A young wife whose husband is too busy working on a weekly paper in English gets infatuated with her husband's cousin, with whom she builds up a world of their own.


    The history and development of the site - a new township for industrial working blacks.


    Marking the independence of Zambia in 1964, the aspects of the country, its potential as a devleoping country and something of its people.


    Compareda and contrasted, Salisbury - Rhodesia and Salisbury - Great Britain.

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain
    Great Britain, South Africa

    A former district officer is assigned to work on a team of diamond prospectors, who are busy double crossing each other until they are blown up having found bullion.


    NEW ACRES 1964


    Looks at the land development officer and the implementation of the Land Husbandry Act and other improvements, such as drainage, that can be made on the land.


    Dramatised history of Rhodesian tobacco growers from 1927-1963.

    The film opens with footage of a cricket match at the Umvukwes country club. The film¿s protagonist and commentator, R.S. Lawrence is playing, while his wife and father-in- ...

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain

    ITV coverage of the Trade Unions Congress in Southern Rhodesia, transmitted on 3 September 1964.

    Rhodesia Collection

    Dramatised history of Rhodesian tobacco growers from 1927-1963. The film opens with footage of a cricket match at the Umvukwes country club. The film's protagonist and commentator, R.S. Lawrence is playing, while his wife and father ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    An early recruiting film for the (then) recently formed Rhodesian Light Infantry (R.L.N.).

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films ...

    7 DAYSAustralia

    Current affairs report examines Britain's efforts to contain Indonesian guerrilla activity in Borneo and Sarawak (Malaysia), where 1st Battalion 7th Gurkhas are seen on patrol and are interviewed, and raises ...