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    Bridgman Collection

    Wildlife (1959 - 64)

    Bridgman Collection

    Family scenes. Parents, children, dog and beach scenes. (1959-64)

    Bridgman Collection

    The collection consists mainly of good wildlife footage shot in Kenya and Tanganyika, together with some items of family footage and the background to the visit of Princess Margaret to Kenya in 1956.

    Bridgman Collection

    The collection consists mainly of good wildlife footage shot in Kenya and Tanganyika, together with some items of family footage and the background to the visit of Princess Margaret to Kenya in 1956.

    Bridgman Collection

    Nairobi, game, Ambolesi.

    Bridgman Collection

    The collection consists mainly of good wildlife footage shot in Kenya and Tanganyika, together with some items of family footage and the background to the visit of Princess Margaret to Kenya in 1956.

    Bridgman Collection

    The collection consists mainly of good wildlife footage shot in Kenya and Tanganyika, together with some items of family footage and the background to the visit of Princess Margaret to Kenya in 1956.

    Bridgman Collection

    The collection consists mainly of good wildlife footage shot in Kenya and Tanganyika, together with some items of family footage and the background to the visit of Princess Margaret to Kenya in 1956.

    Bridgman Collection

    The collection consists mainly of good wildlife footage shot in Kenya and Tanganyika, together with some items of family footage and the background to the visit of Princess Margaret to Kenya in 1956.

    Bridgman Collection

    The collection consists mainly of good wildlife footage shot in Kenya and Tanganyika, together with some items of family footage and the background to the visit of Princess Margaret to Kenya in 1956.

    Bridgman Collection

    The collection consists mainly of good wildlife footage shot in Kenya and Tanganyika, together with some items of family footage and the background to the visit of Princess Margaret to Kenya in 1956.

    Bridgman Collection

    A city (Nairobi?), swept, bedecked and decorated in preparation for the visit of The Princess Margaret in 1956. Streets lined, and a fleeting glimpse of the princess in the passing procession of cars. Scenes of the congestion ...