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    Great Britain

    Jim Hodgson, managing director of British Telecom International, introduces the role of the cable ship `Iris' which was requisitioned during the Falklands crisis of 1982. Actuality footage, reconstructions and interviews with the crews are ...


    A group shot of members of the (first) Indian cabinet, although, other than close-ups of Nehru and Lord Mountbatten, only one or two other faces are seen .


    Allocated Title taken from Hodgkinson's ...

    Great Britain

    INTEREST. How cacao beans are cultivated in Trinidad.

    Credits (26). Shot of the coastline of Trinidad, which lies off the north coast of South America (48). The cultivation of cacao, known in manufactured form as cocoa, is the ...


    CALCUTTA 1946


    The friends of a murdered man go out into the hotels and bazaars of Calcutta to find the murderer.


    A crowd of people at a railway station, Acharya J B Kripalani in the centre. People sit in the street selling goods. A brief shot of a fakir? View of the Victoria Memorial, Calcutta.


    Allocated Title ...


    Short documentary, with a recruiting aim, showing the work of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.

    "The Space Age army" with its high technology (radar, AFVs etc) relies on "another army" of specialists - ...

    LOOK AT LIFEGreat Britain

    A look at wildlife protection in North and South Rhodesia and the developing national parks.


    Messages home from British Army personnel in India to their loved ones in Glasgow. Canteen scenes.


    Messages home from British Army and Navy personnel in India to their loved ones in the Southampton area. Canteen scenes.

    Indicative extract from recording: Unidentified Serviceman: Howdy there! I think your husband ...


    Fragment only. Sergeant George Roland ("Roly") Plews, standing beside Gunner Burnell, sends a message home from India to his wife Elsie and his mother in Newcastle, saying he is healthy and has just travelled one thousand miles to record his greeting ...


    Messages home from British Army personnel in India to their loved ones in the Manchester area.


    Messages home from British Army personnel in India to their loved ones in the Manchester area. External scenes.