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    SEAC I 1945


    Footage of SEAC (South East Asia Command) in Burma, taken by US cameraman.

    I. A 4.5-inch gun is towed by a jeep. Two US commanding officers and their staffs confer over maps. British troops and Gurkhas on patrol. Field ...


    (216A) April 1940: (item continued from MGH 1438). Trench digging instruction; training in use of rifle. Pay parade. Scenes in mess - men queue for food and drink, relax in mess hall. Parade on drill square - unidentified British officer takes ...


    Messages home from British Army personnel in India to their loved ones in Glasgow. Canteen scenes.


    Messages home from British Army personnel in India to their loved ones in the Manchester area. External scenes.


    Messages home from British Naval personnel in India (including WRNS) to their loved ones in the Manchester area. External scenes.


    Messages home from British RAF personnel in India to their loved ones in the Manchester area (including Bolton). External scenes.


    Messages home from British Army personnel in India to their loved ones in the Manchester area. External scenes.


    Messages home from British Army personnel (with Black African Labour corps) in India to their loved ones in the Manchester, Stockport and Birmingham areas. External scenes.


    Messages home from British Army personnel in Burma to their loved ones in the Manchester area. External scenes on the banks of the Irrawaddy.


    Messages home from British RAF and Naval personnel in Burma to their loved ones in the Manchester area. External scenes.


    Messages home from British Army and RAF personnel in Burma to their loved ones in the Manchester area. External scenes (Irrawaddy?).


    Messages home from British Army personnel in Mandalay, Burma to their loved ones in the Worcester area. External scenes (evidence of the aftermath of the fighting in Mandalay in background).


    See 'Keep smiling, keep those chins up ...


    (Reel 1) Hurricane Mk Is of 111 Squadron at Northolt, 1939-1940. Fighter pilots practise air to air wireless communication by riding bicycles, fitted with radio sets in front of handle bars, across tarmac at Northolt. Experiment/training is watched ...


    Amateur film shot by Lieutenant Miles Arrindell of the Second Battalion Suffolk Regiment records scenes during the Battle of Imphal, including a Japanese prisoner-of-war and the capture of the Isaac feature (June 1944), and later (after transfer to ...


    START 00:00:00 04:09 Title card 'Trincomalee Harbour. Royalist "Ameer" "Hunter"'. A voyage around the anchorage in the Bay of Trincomalee, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), in a motor launch past the light anti-aircraft cruiser HMS Royalist, flagship of the 21st ...


    Messages home from British Army personnel in India to their loved ones in the Manchester area.


    British servicemen in India, relaxing in a studio set bar with a piano accompanist, speak directly to camera to send brief messages of reassurance and endearment home to their relatives and friends in Warrington, Lancashire. All then sing the Vera ...


    Amateur colour film shot by British journalist ( Sunday Times, Sunday Chronicle, Daily Graphic) William Courtenay showing scenes in the Philippines and the landings at Labuan Island, 'Operation Oboe Six', Brunei Bay, British North ...


    William Courtenay flew from Port Moresby in New Guinea, to Morotai in the Moluccas Islands, from where the convoy for the invasion of Tarakan departed. He went via Finschhafen, the Schouten Islands and Noemfor Island, in Geelvink Bay off the north- ...


    Troops moving inland. Brief shot of troop carrier 'Jungle Juice'. Australian tanks and equipment moving up. Various troops at rest and drinking tea. MS of Brigadier S H W C Porter (commanding 24 Brigade Group, 9th Australian Division) in discussion ...


    Amateur film shot by Lieutenant Harry Porter of the 8th (Belfast) HAA Regiment Royal Artillery gives detailed record of military and off-duty activities of his unit in Burma, 1942-1945, and of his own travels in wartime India. Film shows men of his ...


    Part of a film about the work of the Red Cross in India, WWII era. The Red Cross keep in contact with PoWs and help in the rehabilitation of wounded by providing comforts and therapies. In Bengal, where "undernourishment" is a problem, the Red Cross ...