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    I. 'INSIDE GERMANY.' A Russian Army horse-drawn field kitchen moves through a devastated Berlin street. Extended footage shows bomb and shell damaged buildings and burnt-out German soft-skinned vehicles. A bullet-pocked road sign reading "Unter den ...


    I. 'NEWS FROM ENGLAND.' A map of South East England and Northern France shows the direction (via Dungeness, Boulogne, Calais) of the undersea pipe line for oil and petrol supplying the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe (PLUTO- Pipe Line Under The ...


    I. 'LIBERATION OF THE CHANNEL ISLANDS.' Royal Navy landing craft (LCTA 051) sail into St Peter Port Harbour in Guernsey. Panoramic footage shows British merchantmen sailing towards the Channel Islands. Civilians stand outside the premises of George ...


    I. 'BURMA - WILD ELEPHANTS TAMED.' Wild Indian elephants are shown in their natural habitat. Burmese woodsmen use tame elephants to herd them into captivity. Film footage shows the capture and training of the reluctant elephants.

    II. 'CLOTHING ...


    I. 'SPECIAL- POTSDAM CONFERENCE.' British Prime Minister Winston Spencer Churchill and his daughter Mary Churchill disembark from a United States Army Air Force (USAAF) Air Transport Command Douglas C-54 Skymaster transport aircraft where they are ...


    I. 'BRITISH METEORS GIVE DISPLAY.' Royal Air Force (RAF) groundcrews manhandle a Gloster Meteor Mk III fighter aircraft into an engine start position. RAF groundcrews work on a Meteor fighter of 616 Squadron prior to a display being given in honour ...


    Victory Over Japan.

    I. 'VICTORY OVER JAPAN.' A retrospective victory issue summarising the war against Japan. Emperor Hirohito of Japan inspects troops of an armoured unit at a New Year's parade (cf WPN 45). Stock ...


    I. 'BRUSSELS.' Elements of the Guards Armoured Division (British XXX Corps) march through the streets of Brussels as civilian spectators look on from the windows of surrounding buildings. A Guards Armoured Division pipe band makes its way towards the ...


    I. 'NEWS FROM ENGLAND.' King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret are driven in an open carriage to St Paul's Cathedral for a day of national thanksgiving for victory over Japan. On the boundaries of the City of London, ...


    I. 'MIDDLE EAST NEWS.' Air Marshal Sir Charles E H Medhurst (Commander Middle East Command) attends a drum-head service held in Alexandria in commemoration of the fifth anniversary of the Battle of Britain. Air Marshal Medhurst takes the salute at a ...


    I. 'NEWS FROM ENGLAND.' Very large civilian crowds gather at York for the first St Leger horse race held since the cessation of hostilities. Large numbers of civilian cars stand in the racecourse car park as a result of the recent reintroduction of ...


    I. 'SINGAPORE.' The official Japanese surrender in Singapore (September 12 1945). Lord Louis Mountbatten arrives by open-tourer and inspects a Royal Navy guard of honour who present arms with Lee-Enfield Mk III .303-inch rifles. Mountbatten is shown ...


    I. 'ROYAL VISIT TO SCOTLAND.' Princess Elizabeth visits a Girl Guide rally held in Glasgow, Scotland. Princess Elizabeth has Girl Guides dance around her to the appreciation of the three thousand strong audience. The Princess later makes a short ...


    I. 'BURMA.' Burmese forestry workers cut teak on the banks of the Chindwin River. Teak planking is loaded onto the back of waiting Dodge soft-skinned vehicles. Indian Army engineers construct large wooden river barges on the banks of the Chindwin. ...


    I. 'THE FAR EAST- THE AFTERMATH.' Hundreds of Imperial Japanese Army officers surrender their swords in Malaya. Large numbers of Japanese Army personnel stand in a prison enclosure. Large numbers of Japanese prisoners of war march past gathered Malay ...


    I. 'NEWS FROM THE FAR EAST.' A British soft-skinned vehicle arrives at a Hong Kong prison compound carrying suspected Japanese war criminals. A Royal Marine stands guard over the prisoners in the compound holding a Thompson M1928 .45-inch sub-machine ...


    I. 'PERSONALITY PARADE.' A guard of honour drawn from the Arab Legion presents arms on the arrival by car of Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke in Transjordan (The Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan). Alanbrooke later inspects a contingent of the Transjordan ...


    I. 'NEWS FROM EUROPE.' Children play amongst the rubble and wrecked buildings of Berlin. A pair of children play in the wrecked hulk of a German Army Kfz 1/20 K2 Schwimmwagen amphibious vehicle. Children are relocated from the unsanitary streets of ...


    Victory in Europe: A Tribute To Those Who Made It Possible.

    I. 'VICTORY IN EUROPE- A TRIBUTE TO THOSE WHO MADE IT POSSIBLE.' An item made almost entirely of brief stock shot sequences. United States Navy (USN) ...


    I. 'QUEEN WILHELMINA IN HOLLAND.' Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands crosses the border from Belgium into Holland, accompanied by an unidentified British Army officer. Queen Wilhelmina takes time to chat to assembled civilian well-wishers during her ...

    Vernede Collection

    Various family shots taken in Simla and Almora, plus street scene in Simla, bazaar scenes in Almora and camp scenes in Almora District.

    Production / Donor Details: The collection comprises two sets of films. The early films ...

    Layard Collection

    Cultural ancient monuments in Old Delhi, Gwalior, Agra and Amritsar. Layard girls playing in New Delhi, watching the changing of The Guard.

    Production / Donor Details: The collection was shot mainly in India between 1932 ...

    Holroyd Collection

    Holiday scenes and local events in the following order: short of the countryside and some local children, temples, river, a plane dropping supplies for the town, possible government buildings, gardens in the mountains with sightseers, ...


    Amateur film showing journey by Tatair plane to Hyderabad; Chhar Minar; Hyderabad; Golconda; Mettupolayamooty; Todas; Dasehra procession, Mysore; Maharajah of Mysore's birthday; Grubb's plane to Cochin; Cochin harbour, irrigation, regatta, fishermen. ...