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    Bell Collection

    East Africa Airways - visiting.

    Scenes believed to be of various cities & towns - Mombasa, Zanzibar, Nairobi, Gedi, Mbarara, Mwanza, Iringa, Dar-es -Salaam, Bagamoyo, Tanga, Namanca?.

    Murchison Falls. Ruins of an Arab ...

    Bell Collection


    Queen Elizabeth Park - river trip, animals, birds, performence of local tribal dance. Livingstone. Victoria Falls.

    An African sunset taken from the air.

    Production / Donor Details: Mary Bell was a ...

    Bell Collection

    Nevasa, Suez, Port Said, Cairo, Gibraltar. Jean + Glen at Barcelona, setting sun.

    Production / Donor Details: Mary Bell was a Colonial Civil Servant from 1955 to 1965 working for the East Africa Posts and Telecommunications ...

    Bell Collection


    Game. Sarah & Simon Bell, Bell's House (Nairobi)

    Peter Kenyatta

    Production / Donor Details: Mary Bell was a Colonial Civil Servant from 1955 to 1965 working for the East Africa Posts and Telecommunications ...

    Bell Collection

    Sarah-Pineapple, dog show, Helicofter, swimming, Mombasa, seaside.

    Production / Donor Details: Mary Bell was a Colonial Civil Servant from 1955 to 1965 working for the East Africa Posts and Telecommunications Administration in ...

    Birch Collection

    Housing and street scenes, estuary harbour life (probably Lagos) also showing some Western shipping but mostly African craft and fishermen.

    Production / Donor Details: Films taken by John Birch. In the 1950s the John and Daphne ...

    Birch Collection

    King Jimmy Market/ Waterslide Market/ Sulima

    Production / Donor Details: Films taken by John Birch. In the 1950s the John and Daphne Birch were mainly in Sierra Leone, where he was head of Unilever, and also held a position on the ...

    Birch Collection


    Production / Donor Details: Films taken by John Birch. In the 1950s the John and Daphne Birch were mainly in Sierra Leone, where he was head of Unilever, and also held a position on the Legislative Council; the ...

    Birch Collection

    Scenes in Sierra Leone

    Production / Donor Details: Films taken by John Birch. In the 1950s the John and Daphne Birch were mainly in Sierra Leone, where he was head of Unilever, and also held a position on the Legislative Council; ...

    Birch Collection

    At home in Sierra Leone

    Production / Donor Details: Films taken by John Birch. In the 1950s the John and Daphne Birch were mainly in Sierra Leone, where he was head of Unilever, and also held a position on the Legislative Council; ...

    Birch Collection

    Aeroplane landing.

    Production / Donor Details: Films taken by John Birch. In the 1950s the John and Daphne Birch were mainly in Sierra Leone, where he was head of Unilever, and also held a position on the Legislative Council; the ...

    Birch Collection

    Most of the film features the Birches and friends young and old at leisure on the beaches of Sussex bay on the Freetown peninsula in Sierra Leone. Some sequences demonstrate its beautiful setting; others also show native settlements ...