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    A captured Japanese machine gun is evaluated by British troops for record purposes at Pauktabin, Burma.

    A Japanese Type 92 Heavy Machine Gun, ...


    CARIBBEAN 1951 has video enhanced entry

    Great Britain

    A film depicting the Caribbean islands - West Indies, British Guiana and British Honduras - and highlighting the traditional customs and songs, before showing the modern developments and welfare services available.

    The film opens ...

    Great Britain

    Scenes in the Caribbean islands including footage of harvesting and industry. Interior shots of a bottling factory and loading products for export at the docks.

    Great Britain

    Scenes of life in British Guiana; includes aerial footage of the waterfalls in the Guiana Highlands, clearing forested land, a factory and heavy industry, panning gravel from a river, village scenes.

    Great Britain

    Travelogue of Jamaica.


    Film showing the Royal Navy survey ship HMS Vidal carrying out survey work in the West Indies; also features the vessel's return to Chatham, Kent.

    Great Britain

    The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh's five-week tour of the Caribbean, in February 1966.

    Great Britain

    Film on the famous Trinidad Carnival.


    Central or Northern Nigeria: Jos Plateau; children in village and guinea corn; baby bathed on gourds; pounding maize; giving baby a drink; portraits of women and men with face scars; grinding corn with rocks; demonstrating spade and digging; boy with ...


    1) Shot of a village by a lake taken from a moving train (?) in Africa; 2) shot of a river and river bank with palm trees, etc. possibly taken from a moving platform, or a boat on a river; 3) shots of native boats travelling on river, in the day and at ...


    North-east Nigeria or Cameroons: 1) Big game on the veldt; 2) two people riding; 3) Africans killing dogs, slitting their throats and collecting the blood; 4) a dog being burnt. The background is rocky, hilly scenery; 1945: 5) African woman in a ...


    North-east Nigeria: 1) African village; 2) girl pounding grain; 3) making scar decorations on a boys back; the operation is watched by a crowd of on-lookers; 4) village: mud huts with thatch; 5) wide scenic shots with scattered farmsteads; 6) building ...