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    ADEN 1966

    Great Britain

    The history of Aden and its importance now as a port and oil refinery. Intended for secondary schools.


    The emergency meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers, held in Lagos, Nigeria at the invitation of the Prime Ministers, held in Lagos, Nigeria at the invitation of the Prime Minister of Nigeria to seek a solution to the Rhodesian crisis.

    Great Britain

    How the Birmingham branch of the Co-operative movement is helping to ralse $30,0 00 to start consumer co-ops in Bechuanaland

    Great Britain

    Leonard Cheshire's first visit to New Guinea.

    Great Britain

    A light comedy romance between a rich American diplomat and a Russian emigré princess from Hong Kong.

    Great Britain

    Extract of the Queen's activities from newsreels.

    R.1: Visiting British Guyana, the first stop of the Caribean Tour since exception of the throne. Visiting Canterbury Cathedral.

    R.2: Visiting Bayeux and celebrating its 900th ...

    Great Britain

    The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh's five-week tour of the Caribbean, in February 1966.

    PARADEGreat Britain


    Items on the modern postal automated systems. Delivery of air-mailed flowers to Westminster Abbey from Jamaica; Spode Commemorative Plate made for Westminster Abbey; a rodeo marks Guyana's independence - attended ...


    A documentary looking at the transfer of the Batonka people of the Zambezi valley to new homes because of the creation of Lake Kariba. It starts off with footage shot in 1956 and looks at the Batonka tribe, with scenes of village life and a ...


    A man files a report back to his company on whether Rhodesia is a good place - documentary on the attractions of Rhodesia.


    RHODESIA 1966

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain

    Coverage of Rhodesia, transmitted on ITV on 8 December 1966.