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    START 10:22:59 Filmed from the first floor balcony of Government House in Nairobi, senior European and African Anglican clergy led by Bishop Stuart (?) of Nairobi conduct an open-air Service of Thanksgiving to mark V-J Day on or near 15 August 1945, ...


    START 10:00:00 An African motorcycle despatch rider (DR) motors past the camera during manoeuvres in Kenya or Madagascar. Wearing steel helmets, African soldiers serving with the King's African Rifles (KAR) make their way through dried-up bushes with ...


    START 10:18:40 Scenes shot in the commercial district of Nairobi (a continuation of Nairobi street scenes in AYY 1163) where most properties are no higher than two storeys and the pavements are covered with awnings to shelter shoppers from the sun: ...


    The Royal Australian Air Force in action in the Pacific.

    The film concentrates on a squadron of Kittyhawks acting principally in a ground support role during the 'island hopping' campaigns, but the commentary ...


    A record of the Australian Army's Second World War battle honours, compiled shortly before the end of the war.

    (Reel 1) Brief sequences establish the character of Australia (youth etc) and the Axis 'plan for world ...


    An interim report on the progress of the Fourteenth Army offensive in Burma.

    Description of the logistic problems of the Burmese campaign, caused by mountainous jungle, the Chindwin river and heavy monsoon rainfall. ...


    An account of the methods with which the Soviet Union received supplies during the Second World War, and the importance of the continuance of such trade after the hostilities have ended.

    For four years the convoys ...


    Incomplete version (the beginning is missing) of a film about the return home of Fijian soldiers who took part in the Pacific War.

    Scenes of peacetime Fijian life cut with record of the Fijian soldiers advancing on ...


    A view of Ceylon towards the end of the war, looking back over the period of defensive war, and to current preparations for the offensive.

    General material on Ceylon's religions and economy (tea, rubber, rice) is ...


    Film showing the importance and prestige of belonging to the famous Gurkha Regiment.

    The film shows His Majesty the King paying tribute to the Gurkhas, and in India the Viceroy paying a similar tribute for their ...


    Largely based on the use of maps, the film is a brief statement of the war situation in the Far East, explaining the particular problems of fighting in the Pacific and strategic concepts designed to solve them.



    Army Instructional film in the form of a rhyming monologue recited by Stanley Holloway. Sam likes to drink water but when he joins the Army and is posted to Burma his guardian angel, in the form of a parrot, has to remind him to take proper ...