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    I. Colour film of Royal Military Police in Aden, now Yemen, 1965 (ca).

    II. Gibraltar Military Police around town 1960 (ca).

    III. 101 Provost Marshal and 93 section Special Investigation Branch in Berlin ...


    Map of Middle East with Kuwait highlighted, map of Port of Kuwait illustrating the Port Anchorage Basin and the location of coral reefs. Title: "Kuwait is entirely dependent on imports of all materials, including water. The lack of a suitable port ...


    An introduction to the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, including footage of fauna, flora and the local way of life, and showing the work of London Missionary Society/ CCWM (Congregational Council for World Mission) missions in the islands. The film follows ...


    Film of naval activities during the Coronation Day celebrations in various parts of the Far East and elsewhere, 2nd June 1953.

    (Part 1) HMS Unicorn in Singapore; public tours ship. (Part 2) ...

    Great Britain

    INTEREST. Celebrations in Dar Es-Salaam to mark the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

    Great Britain

    The construction, by Richard Costain Ltd, of Kariba Heights, a township to house workers employed on the Kariba Dam project


    COTTON 1959


    The growing processing and weaving of cotton from East Africa.

    Great Britain

    Survey of the cotton industry in Uganda.


    Shows all stages in the planting, growing, work in the ginner and the buying and selling of cotton.

    Great Britain

    A light comedy romance between a rich American diplomat and a Russian emigré princess from Hong Kong.

    GB ?

    Countess Mountbatten's last tour in North Borneo.

    The film shows her arrival and a number of visits to various establishments, and ends with a shot of a Union Jack sinking to half mast.


    INTEREST. Singpore.