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    Film showing Sarawak, the youngest colony of the British Commonwealth.

    The film indicates that a hundred years ago Sarawak was a land of poor peasants and fishermen and that its first white Rajah (Sir James ...


    Film showing the past and present life of Malacca.

    The film tells how Malacca has been conquered several times - by the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British. Malacca as it is now is compared with the past. ...

  • 1955 : the year in Malaya

    Malayan Government propaganda.

    The film covers the first Malayan general elections, emphasising popular support for Tunku Abdul Rahman and the Alliance Party. Cabinet members are seen beginning work. "The new era ...


    Film showing the community of Brunei, indicating how life here is changing fast.

    The film shows: the history of Brunei's existence; its alliance with the Sultan of Borneo; the docks, which are kept busy with the ...


    Reel One. New students arrive. Ceremony of enrolment and Vice-Chancellor's introductory speech. Undergraduates grow accustomed to the new routines; "The learning part has begun". Medicine requires a clearly defined course of laboratory work, classes ...


    The rubber industry in Malaya.

    The rubber plantation with tappers doing their job. From June 1948 onwards, when Malaya's emergency began, new areas were still cleaned for planting; footage of the seedlings being ...


    Various aspects of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaya.


    Remarks: cataloguing incomplete.

    GB, [Malaya]

    Women of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, on duty in Malaya: girls operating switchboard, office workers, girls playing tennis, relaxing in sitting room and attending a lecture on Malayan geography.

    South Africa

    The tourist sights of Rhodesia.

    The film shows assorted places of interest (historical ruins, Victoria Falls etc) and a few glimpses of wildlife around an apparently unpopulated Rhodesian countryside. ...


    MGH 5130: Scenes in Malaya ca 1950 include Gurkhas swimming with officers off Penang Island, armoured train sequence and rail jeep used during Emergency for transport up country.

    MGH 5131- 5132: Scenes in Malaya ca 1950 include Cameron ...

    Harley Collection

    Voyage from Freetown to England on the M.V. Accra, showing various activities of the sailors and the passengers on board and different stops at unknown ports along the way.

    Production / Donor Details: Mrs. Harley lived in the ...

    Rees Collection

    Various shots of the Teacher Training College at Kagumo, fortified against Mau Mau attack. Nyeri township, and manually operated ferries on the journey from Mombasa to Mr Rees' new posting to Kilifi District in the Coast Province. ...