Your search returned 1969 items
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    Cleave Collection

    A foot safari with a District Forestry Office, James Lang-Brown, to the top of Mt. Napak, a massif on the border of Karamoja and Teso districts. Team of porters. Mountain scenery. with panoramic views. The mountains were declared ...

    Cleave Collection

    Scenes - mostly in Moroto - of living in Karamoja, Uganda.

    Includes: building Morotochurch; a 'barazza' (meeting with tribesmen) in Rupa, a settlement at the foot of mount Moroto; the bi-weekly Moroto bus (the only public ...

    Cleave Collection

    A record of life in the District HQ of Karamoja Distrcit, Uganda, 1958 - 60. Edited. Personal film, but also show this remote station, the housing, office and dukas (shops), activities like refuse collection and the station farm, ...

    Cleave Collection

    A 275' edited record of the hand-over on Independence. Parade with the Governor handing over the PM Obote and some of the celebratory events that followed.

    March-past of the 4th Kings African Rifles.

    Multi-racial crowds at ...

    Cleave Collection

    A compendium of wildlife and scenes mostly in Uganda's game parks, in those days excellent, and some from Karamoja. 1958-1966. Edited.

    Production / Donor Details: John Cleave was ADC Karamoja District for 11 years.

    Cressy Collection

    Independence celebrations in Nigeria.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Cressy was Deputy Superintendent of the Palestine Police Force and then Deputy Commissioner of the Nigerian Police.

    Crouch Collection

    VHS containing various film items illustrating Mr Crouch's life and travels as a British official in Southern Arabia. It shows many aspects of life in the desert, including stunning scenery, military patrols, good shots of the Hadhrami ...

    Crouch Collection

    Family shots of Mr Crouch's engagement, wedding & honeymoon in East Africa. Back on duty in Aden, and other holiday footage.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Crouch served as a political officer in the Aden Protectorates and Aden ...


    Travelogue, showing the buildings, people and wildlife of Nairobi.

    Over shots of modern Nairobi, the commentator outlines the transformation of the city under British rule over the previous fifty years. The film highlights the 'modern colonial ...

    Great Britain

    Documentary on the Caribbean, shot during the making of "Fire Down Below". Tour of Trinidad, sporting activities, carnivals and the Limbo dance performed to the music of a steel band.

    Great Britain

    A description of three of the Christian sects of the Shona and Ndebele immigrants from Southern Rhodesia, who came to live in Zambia between 1957 and 1964. It examines their position in 1969, the effects of their fundamentalist beliefs in ...

    German Federal Republic, Great Britain, South Africa

    Diamond smuggling in an African colony is foiled by the British commissioner.