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    International Agencies

    The discussion on the admission of Sudan to the United Nations. Sir Pierson Dixon supports the application as does the United States representative. The Russian president of the Security Council speaks. The vote - Sudan is ...


    GIBRALTAR 1956

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain
    Great Britain

    Amateur. A European family holidaying in Africa.

    Beach hut on island. Boat out at sea. Africans dancing and drinking beer. European boy dances with them. African teaches European man to throw fishing net. Family scenes at home ( ...

    Great Britain

    TV play about the lives of West Indian immigrants in Britain.


    The recruitment, training, and passing out parade at the Southern Police College in Nigeria.

    Great Britain

    A study of the Malay people living in a Borneo village. Showing fishing and village life.

    Great Britain

    A true story, showing the problems and difficulties of the Principal of a Theological College as he attempts to bring his African students the real meaning of initiative, leadership and responsibility. Commentator: Gordon Davies.

    Great Britain

    African adventure with wild animals and Leopard Men.


    India 1947. Story of an Anglo-Indian girl, feeling rejected by both her worlds, in the conflict between her attraction for an English soldier and the love offered her by a young Sikh, as well as another Anglo-Indian.

    Bhowani Junction  ...
    Great Britain

    Tarzan to the rescue of the occupants of a plane that has crashed in Africa jungle. He saves them from white hunter who wants to hand them over to African tribe in exchange for ivory.

    Great Britain

    DOCUMENTARY. The first journey of the commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition to set up a base camp on the Weddell Sea.

    RL.1 NOV. 1955: Ship "Theron" leaves London. Leader of party Vivian Fuchs, Edmund Hillary and members of ...