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    Survey of the peoples, customs and economy of Nigeria.

    Travelogue of Nigeria. Includes Kano airport, Kano town - the mosque and market; children memorising the Koran; aerial views of Lagos; cocoa and ground nut cultivation; palm oil ...


    BP film featuring footage from Nigeria.


    The passing out parade of the first Nigerian women's police. Also shows the policewomen on duty.

    The commentator introduces 'this historic parade at the Southern Police ground' from 26 April 1956. The film shows the women marching at Ikeja ...

    Holmes Collection

    Film of Sisal production in Tanganyika filmed over a period of 18 months during 1955-56(?)

    Production / Donor Details: The donor Mrs Holmes was born in Arusha, Tanganyika in 1925, and was a Colonial Nursing Sister in Tanga, ...

    Holmes Collection

    Film of Sisal production in Tanganyika filmed over a period of 18 months during 1955-56(?)

    Production / Donor Details: The donor Mrs Holmes was born in Arusha, Tanganyika in 1925, and was a Colonial Nursing Sister in Tanga, ...

    Sidney Smith Collection

    A variety of images covering aspects of the Royal Visit to Nigeria of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in 1956.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr. Smith (b. 1914) was a railway engineer who worked in Nigeria between 1937 ...

    Selkirk Collection

    English garden domestic scenes with dogs. Hong Kong harbour & views of houses on hills surrounding city. Confrontation with Chinese soldiers at the boarder High Dam under construction. Japanese county villas. Coach parties standing by ...

    Silk Collection

    Travel diary shot by Mr Silk during his farewell tour of Africa after leaving his job as Agricultural Officer in Ghana. Tour begins in Cairo.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Silk was an Agricultural Officer on the Gold Coast between ...


    Aerial film of the city, taken after the Suez operation, is produced as evidence to refute Egyptian "allegations that Port Said is a scene of chaos and devastation."

    The film consists mainly of general panoramas (the ...


    Ships of the British Home Fleet pay goodwill visits to islands in the West Indies and then join Canadian ships for joint exercise in the North Atlantic.

    After some scenes from the outward voyage (including refuelling ...


    Egyptian film of the Suez Incident.

    Port Said - tourists, government building programme, increased prosperity following upon Suez Canal nationalisation. Egyptian pilots, working for the nation rather than a " ...


    Documentary film of the Anglo-French intervention in and around Suez and Port Said in November 1956.

    "At the Mediterranean head of the Suez Canal is the town of Port Said. It was the scene of British and French ...