Your search returned 1969 items
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    Soldiers of the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment and the Lancashire Fusiliers being evacuated from Trieste to Malta on the light carrier HMS Centaur, and the frigate HMS Whirlwind.



    How Hong Kong police are now using video footage from surveillance cameras to fight the multi-million pound trade in smuggled goods. Also how police dogs have been trained to wear cameras in dangerous situations.


    The Empire Games Village Part 2. Teams practising. Impromptu cricket. Fencing practice. Official visit by the Duke of Edinburgh and his inspection of the village and his meetings with the teams and officials. Formation display by a RAF Hawker Hunters ...


    Track and field practice by competitors at the village. Formal ceremonies with the hoisting of the national flags and marching by national team members in their smart uniforms. Formal marching by the RAF Band .

    Competitors of all races mixing at ...


    Formal ceremonies of the Hoisting of National Flags at the Village with the National teams in attendance. Extensive parading by the large national teams with on the sport drill by the Australian men.

    Production / Donor Details: The cameraman was ...


    Aerial views of the opening of the Games at the Stadium of Cardiff Arms Park and aerial views of the city centre of Cardiff. The Empire Games Village outside Cardiff with the ceremony of the hoisting of the national flags of the contesting countries. ...


    Tom and Sukie arrive in Malta to spend the holidays with their father, an archae ologist digging for a legendary golden statue of Calypso on the island of Gozo. He fails to meet the children who mke friends with Jiminy, a Maltese boy, ...

    Espey Collection

    A 'Pot pourri' of shots of the Northern Rhodesian police at work and play. Includes a trip to Tanzania, the visit by Lord Louis Mountbatten, S. Supt Espey's own retirement parades.

    Production / Donor Details: J.S. Espey served ...

    Evans Collection

    Kenya: churches, clinics, gold mining (surface), blacksmithing, pottery making and dancing.


    Propagandic film extolling the wonderful life and achievements of Rhodesia. Emphasis is on united Rhodesians, with footage of them in various situations - agricultural shows, city scenes, country scenes and village scenes. It looks at the ...


    A travelogue taking the form of a car journey through the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

    A car with luggage on its roof passes a sign saying 'Welcome to Bulawayo' as the voiceover emphasises the development of the city 'in the seventy ...

    HIGHWAYGreat Britain

    Harry Secombe travels round the countryside of the Falkland Islands.