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    Leeds Collection

    Arrival at port by road. Views of the docks and dockers, canoeists diving for money and shipping. Various shots of life on board ship from the passengers' perspective and a trip ashore.

    Production / Donor Details: ...

    Leeds Collection

    Various shots of the beach, house & garden, the family with friends, the air port, water falls, the city, river life, local farming and crop spraying.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr. Leeds was an Agricultural Officer in Ghana ...

    Leeds Collection

    Various shots of a local Agricultural Show featuring boats & tractors. Shots of new suspension bridge, water falls & picnic, and local bird life & flowers. Some banana and cocoa groves and agricultural trials.

    Production / Donor ...

    Bridgman Collection

    A city (Nairobi?), swept, bedecked and decorated in preparation for the visit of The Princess Margaret in 1956. Streets lined, and a fleeting glimpse of the princess in the passing procession of cars. Scenes of the congestion ...

    Abbott (Suckling) Collection

    Scenes of the Queen Elizabeth II's visit to Nigeria, including preparations, bunting in streets, crowds. Also scenes of home life.

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Bryan Abbott , who served in the Colonial ...

    Jacobs Collection

    Uganda 1956, Malindi, Rome.

    Collection in general contains Queen's birthday celebrations, Independence celebrations, family on safari in Northern province, as well as daily life on an upcountry station.

    Alley Collection

    St. Alban's church (Lutheran) on Azania Front.

    A street scene showing a shop selling kangas.

    Twiga Hotel - the most modern hotel at that time.

    The Buddhist temple in Garden Avenue.

    The pombe (beer) market.



    Film on the Copper Belt region of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), specifically the interaction of Christianity and commerce in this region and the work of the United Mission to the Copper Belt (in which the London Missionary society was a partner). The ...


    The first Bata shoe fashion show at the Raffles hotel, Singapore. Features models from Singapore's Mannequin school and music from Giancarlo's Italian show band.


    Tells the story of the erection in the sea of the movable drilling platform at Qatar in the Persian Gulf.


    Story of an expedition to drill an exploratory oil well in the jungle of Salawati (New Guinea), to which helicopters are used to fly in the derrick and drilling equipment.


    Oilman's schoolboy son, on holiday at Qatar, gets the Christmas present he wants most. 28,000-ton tanker halts in the Persian Gulf to help an Arab dhow. Oil products from the Island of Grain go to a destination in the Norwegian mountains.