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    A record of the celebrations organised for the independence of Papua New Guinea 16th September 1975.

    Village life, history of the people and colonisation. A brass band. An interview with a German settler. Archive footage of missionary work and ...


    Recruiting film for the Royal Navy/WRNS, featuring the guided missile destroyer HMS Sheffield, and and WRENs on Gibraltar, showing the interrelationship between the Ratings and Officers on board and the WRENs involved in shoreside support. Film ...

    German Federal Republic

    Documentary about the prolific Hong Kong film industry which rolls off 250 featu res a year.


    Propagandic film extolling the wonderful life and achievements of Rhodesia. Emphasis is on united Rhodesians, with footage of them in various situations - agricultural shows, city scenes, country scenes and village scenes. It looks at the ...

    Hong Kong

    Shows the opportunities for industrial investment offered by Hong Kong


    1. Umvukwes Art Group - A women's painting exhibition in Salisbury. the group started in July 1972 in Umvekwes (in the North East of the country). Most of the women are farmers'wives and terrorist attacks are mentioned. Scenes are shown of the ...

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Includes, renegotiations on membership of the EEC, and a possible settlement in Rhodesia.

    PANORAMAGreat Britain

    Report from Grenada on Eric Gairy's recently installed Premiership and those who oppose his leadership.

    Rhodesia Collection

    A Motoring holiday in Rhodesia.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films purchased from the collection of Henry Berriff, a cameraman in ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    1974? Actual war footage featuring British South African Police operations against terrorist incursions in the Zambesi Valley. Rhodesian Security Forces in the Zambesi Valley. - Aerial view of the Northern Rhodesian bush filmed from ...


    Short documentary, with a recruiting aim, showing the work of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.

    "The Space Age army" with its high technology (radar, AFVs etc) relies on "another army" of specialists - ...


    KAWELKA 1974


    About the Kawelka, New Guinea highlanders.