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    A farmer in the Gold Coast (Ghana) learns how to increase his yield of cocoa through the use of insecticides.

    Great Britain

    Amateur. Buildings, shops and local life on the island of Zanzibar, East Africa.

    View from aircraft landing. Ivory tusks on wagon. Aircraft (East African Airways) on runway. Aerial views from aircraft - clouds and land below. More ...

    RHODESIAN SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Compilation of early Spotlights 1955-58 all focusing on the Kariba Dam Scheme from inception to the record floods of 1958.

    RHODESIA AND NYASALAND NEWSCentral African Federation

    New Ambulance Service - in Nyasaland. The New Governor-General - Simon Ramsay, Lord Dalhousie. New Postal Agency at Soche.Kafue National Park. Animals for Export - mainly for zoos. Mikolongwe Poultry ...

    Great Britain

    Some of the hospitals, child-welfare classes, schools, teacher-training colleges, etc., run by the Anglican churches and missions in the five dioceses of Central Africa (including Zanzibar). Also includes footage of a leper settlement; a ...

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain

    Current affairs programmme. Items: Empire foods; Colour bar; South African troubles; B.O.A.C. flowers.

    Great Britain

    Documentary. Tracing the road from French Equatorial Africa to Kenya.

    Fort Lhani(?) French Equatorial Africa to British East Africa by road. The Vanana(?) tribe `beehive' buildings, central granary building, people fishing, a tomb. ...

    RHODESIAN SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Visit of Queen Mother to Rhodesia 4th - 15th July l957.

    Central African Republic

    Report on the Kariba Dam scheme, and the effects of the record floods.


    Stresses the growth in all areas of Rhodesia's natural resources, especially mineral production, increasing white population and consumer consumption (e.g: shoe store), and a great emphasis on the development at Kariba.

    RHODESIA AND NYASALAND NEWSCentral African Federation

    Rhodesian African Rifles return from Malaya via Beira.

    K.A.R. move to Lusaka.

    Governor General visits African townships.

    Rabies control in Nyasaland with vaccinations.

    Cheap ...


    The life of Singapore and variety provided by the many different cultures and cu stoms which find expression there.