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    LOOK AT LIFEGreat Britain

    A look at life on Ascension Island.

    ROVING REPORTGreat Britain

    DOCUMENTARY. A report on Anguilla's illegal declaration of independence from the West Indies Associated States.

    WORLD IN ACTIONGreat Britain

    A report on Anguilla, with Robert Bradshaw and Sir Frederick Phillips.


    Dramatised recruitment film for prospective Royal Navy officers.

    1. Prospective recruits (in civvies) are taken onboard HMS Dolphin; sequence focuses on one of the recruits, "Brendon" (a Welshman who gives us his ...


    Unedited news film of the Queens Lancashire Regiment on security duties in Aden in September 1967 during the anti-British Insurgency shows soldiers off-duty in camp, searching Arab taxies and their passengers for arms at Checkpoint Bravo, cookhouse ...


    Reel of rushes of 1st Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders on patrol in Aden during the Emergency (with live sound during rough searching of Arab suspects), and of mute rushes of British soldiers on patrol, unarmed, in the peaceful British ...


    Amateur film shot by Midshipman Ian Shuttleworth while serving on HMS Salisbury in the Far East between August 1963 and September 1964 during Confronation in Borneo records leave in Hong Kong, carrier and helicopter activity, Crossing the Line ...

    Hinchcliffe Collection

    Film shows diplomatic life in Aden in 1967 at the end of British rule. Also includes military manoeuvres, and ends with sequences of the diplomatic staff making a bonfire of documents marked "Top Secret".

    Also further ...

    Day Collection

    Footage from Mr Day's time as Senior Political Officer in the South Arabian Federation between 1964 and 1967.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Day entered HMOCS as Political Officer, Western Aden Protectorate, in 1961. From 1964-67 he ...

    Crouch Collection

    VHS containing various film items illustrating Mr Crouch's life and travels as a British official in Southern Arabia. It shows many aspects of life in the desert, including stunning scenery, military patrols, good shots of the Hadhrami ...

    Crouch Collection

    Family shots of Mr Crouch's engagement, wedding & honeymoon in East Africa. Back on duty in Aden, and other holiday footage.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Crouch served as a political officer in the Aden Protectorates and Aden ...


    David Dimbleby interviews Sir Donald and Lady Cleland, Close up of questions.

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]

    DOCUMENTARY. A report on the political situation in Aden and the role of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Includes an interview with Lt. Col. Colin Campbell Mitchell.

    Rediffusion logo (00:04). Opening ...


    HONG KONG 1967

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]

    Measures being taken against communism in Hong Kong. With Sir David Trench, P.S. Woo, David Lai, Elsie Elliott, and police commissioner T.C. Eates




    Portrait of the culture of South Arabia just prior to the revolution and take over of the area by the National Liberation Forces.


    DOCUMENTARY. The build-up of British forces in the Gulf States.

    The commander of a British platoon in Bahrain, Lt. Pattinson, explaining the reasons for Britain's presence to a group of new arrivals (13). Titles. A military band ...


    A information piece on the work of AFBA, the Aden Forces Broadcasting Authority, responsible for the forces' radio entertainment. A short sequence in the middle of the reel shows an Army ...


    HMS Albion arrives to help in the withdrawal from Aden. Onshore the Royal Marines stay on the alert.

    A small party of British troops, presumably Roman Catholics, prepare for an open- ...


    Men of 45 RM Commando are addressed by Major-General Tower before flying out of Khormaksar in RAF Hercules transports.

    Royal Marines file past the camera carrying personal arms and kit. CU of General Tower as he ...


    Compilation produced by the Royal Navy of various items filmed by Naval cameramen around the world during 1967.

    Film opens with an introduction from Lieutenant Richard Baker, latterly a popular broadcaster, who ...


    SRN6 (Naval markings) seen in hangar, across water, up beach etc. Being refuelled, people embarking and disembarking, stopping near seal colony, returns to base.


    Army patrols in city of Aden conduct house searches and check driver's identity papers. Except at the beginning of the reel, there is little evidence of naval participation.

    A sailor ...


    I. The departing High Commissioner, Sir Humphrey Trevelyan, reviews the Naval task force supporting the British withdrawal. He is accompanied by Admiral Sir Michael Le Fanu, C-in-C Middle East Command, who is to return ...


    I. HA over the parade ground at Radfan Camp (?), covered in heaps of soldiers' kit - a Wessex helicopter approaches to pick up two cargo nets laden with gear and flies off. LA of Wessex picking up more kit. CUs as ...


    Combination of film of street scenes in Canton ("first film since the recent trouble") and interviews with two Hong Kong correspondents forms the basis of this report on the purpose and effect of the "great proletarian ...


    Report outlines the political background to the stepped-up violence in Aden and shows how conditions for British soldiers and their families are becoming increasingly dangerous.

    Anti-British terrorism will not cease, ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Prime Minister Ian Smith and a former tobacco farmer explain how Rhodesia has overcome the effect of sanctions introduced last December by the UN. Statistical evidence that the GNP is down ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. Report concludes that riots in Hong Kong are being instigated by Peking in order to humiliate the British rather than to force them to give up their colony, which is useful to the ...


    News report on the 1st Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders on security operations in the Crater district of Aden during the Aden Emergency.


    Titling includes "A BBC Television Film. Hanford. BBC. D.5607/5608. Hard News. ( ...


    Newsfilm of the British Army on security operations in Aden.

    WORLD TOMORROWGreat Britain

    DOCUMENTARY. A report by Bill Grundy and Chris Kelly from Basutoland shortly before it became the independent state of Lesotho on October 4th, 1966.


    John Hooper weighs up - looks at the hospital services for whites and blacks, visits various hospitals, and an interview with the health minister Dr. Dyson Blair.


    RHODESIA 1966

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain

    Coverage of Rhodesia, transmitted on ITV on 8 September 1966.


    Political broadcast. James Callaghan, Chancellor of the Exchequer, looks at the home economic situation and reviews some current affair issues.

    Callagahan discusses the economic situation and the ...


    ADEN 1966

    Great Britain

    The history of Aden and its importance now as a port and oil refinery. Intended for secondary schools.


    The emergency meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers, held in Lagos, Nigeria at the invitation of the Prime Ministers, held in Lagos, Nigeria at the invitation of the Prime Minister of Nigeria to seek a solution to the Rhodesian crisis.

    Great Britain

    How the Birmingham branch of the Co-operative movement is helping to ralse $30,0 00 to start consumer co-ops in Bechuanaland

    Great Britain

    Leonard Cheshire's first visit to New Guinea.

    Great Britain

    A light comedy romance between a rich American diplomat and a Russian emigré princess from Hong Kong.

    Great Britain

    Extract of the Queen's activities from newsreels.

    R.1: Visiting British Guyana, the first stop of the Caribean Tour since exception of the throne. Visiting Canterbury Cathedral.

    R.2: Visiting Bayeux and celebrating its 900th ...

    Great Britain

    The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh's five-week tour of the Caribbean, in February 1966.

    PARADEGreat Britain


    Items on the modern postal automated systems. Delivery of air-mailed flowers to Westminster Abbey from Jamaica; Spode Commemorative Plate made for Westminster Abbey; a rodeo marks Guyana's independence - attended ...


    A documentary looking at the transfer of the Batonka people of the Zambezi valley to new homes because of the creation of Lake Kariba. It starts off with footage shot in 1956 and looks at the Batonka tribe, with scenes of village life and a ...


    A man files a report back to his company on whether Rhodesia is a good place - documentary on the attractions of Rhodesia.


    RHODESIA 1966

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain

    Coverage of Rhodesia, transmitted on ITV on 8 December 1966.