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    Briefing film on the border between Hong King and the People's Republic of China. Showing road and rail crossings and the views from the British Army observation posts, including scenes of Chinese troops drilling and training.


    Navy Instructional film, set in Hong Kong, on the threat from sabotage attacks. Areas of particular risk, such as warzones or politically unstable countries, are noted. The methods that a saboteur might use are shown, including underwater attack by ...

    Hong Kong

    The Youth Recreation Centre at the Hong Kong Life Guard Club is opened by the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose. The two reels show the same events (the banquet, presentations, speeches etc) from two different cameras.


    Remarks: ...


    A history of the Rhodesian parliament and of Rhodesia's political development. It begins with various shots in the city of Salisbury, lauding the fact that old buildings are being pulled down. A history of the parliament building and the early ...

    ARMCHAIR 30Great Britain

    Life in Rhodesia seems ideal to the Sloans but the arrival of an African fugitive causes a crisis.

    Great Britain

    The story of David Livingstone's life up to the conclusion of his great trans-African journey, during which he discovered the Victoria Falls and most of the course of the Zambesi. Includes scenes of his birth-place, the mill in which he ...


    Story of the effect of war on the people of a remote rural area of Bengal in 1942.

    SURVIVALGreat Britain

    About the wildlife of the Seychelles Islands and the efforts that are being made to protect both the islands and their wildlife.

    Great Britain

    Amateur travelogue. Edwin and Rene Brown spend their holiday on Mauritius and the Seychelles. They enjoy the islands' beaches and admire the landscape. They drive around and meet some local fishermen, who demonstrate their work. There are ...

    Great Britain

    How the mile wide stetch of water separating Hong Kong from the mainland was lin ked by a twin tube tunnel fabricated on shore and joined up on the sea bed How the mile wide stretch of water separating Hong Kong from the mainland was ...


    An account of the method by which Hong Kong Kong island and Kowloon on the mainl and were joined by a mile-long underwater tunnel for vehicular traffic

    Hong Kong

    Film made in 1973 during the first Hong Kong Arts Festival, showing various aspects of Hong Kong, and extracts from performances by some of the artists appearing in the Festival, including Margot Fonteyn, Yehudi Menuhin, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Development of Rhodesia's parliamentary system from early pioneering days.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films purchased from the ...


    Recruitment film for the Royal Navy, focusing on the "Dragon Squadron", based in Hong Kong. The Dragon Squadron is responsible for assisting the Hong Kong police in policing Hong Kong's waters. Includes scenes onboard patrol ships HMS Yarnton, HMS ...


    Documentary showing life in the Women's Royal Naval Service, described by Wrens in their own words.

    The demands and satisfactions of a career in the WRNS are illustrated by reference to work and off-duty scenes at a ...


    Shows how the port of Hong Kong has developed over the years into a major intern ational port, and outlines the develop-ments to ensure its future prosperity


    The Hong Kong government programme that has rehoused 40% of thepopulation.


    A territorial survey of Belize (formerly British Honduras) as an introduction to a Staff College tactical exercise.


    Content information copied from SSVC Army Film Catalogue 1983 - 1984


    Briefing film to give armed forced personnel and their families an insight into the conditions of service in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories. Showing the work of 51 Infantry Brigade, 48 Gurkha Infantry Brigade and the Army Air Corps; "HMS ...


    Report in two sections.

    Reel 1. Rhodesian reactions to Smith's closure of the border with Zambia. Guerrillas now conduct raids across the border against white settlers: a tobacco farmer whose wife was killed ...

    German Federal Republic

    Documentary about the prolific Hong Kong film industry which rolls off 250 featu res a year.


    Propagandic film extolling the wonderful life and achievements of Rhodesia. Emphasis is on united Rhodesians, with footage of them in various situations - agricultural shows, city scenes, country scenes and village scenes. It looks at the ...

    Hong Kong

    Shows the opportunities for industrial investment offered by Hong Kong


    1. Umvukwes Art Group - A women's painting exhibition in Salisbury. the group started in July 1972 in Umvekwes (in the North East of the country). Most of the women are farmers'wives and terrorist attacks are mentioned. Scenes are shown of the ...

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Includes, renegotiations on membership of the EEC, and a possible settlement in Rhodesia.

    PANORAMAGreat Britain

    Report from Grenada on Eric Gairy's recently installed Premiership and those who oppose his leadership.

    Rhodesia Collection

    A Motoring holiday in Rhodesia.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films purchased from the collection of Henry Berriff, a cameraman in ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    1974? Actual war footage featuring British South African Police operations against terrorist incursions in the Zambesi Valley. Rhodesian Security Forces in the Zambesi Valley. - Aerial view of the Northern Rhodesian bush filmed from ...


    Short documentary, with a recruiting aim, showing the work of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.

    "The Space Age army" with its high technology (radar, AFVs etc) relies on "another army" of specialists - ...


    KAWELKA 1974


    About the Kawelka, New Guinea highlanders.


    Examines the transition from a traditional rural way of life to the development of urban life in Papua New Guinea.

    Hong Kong

    Highlights of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip's visit to Hong Kong in 1975 Highlights of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip's visit to Hong Kong.


    1880's: Tale of two tough British sergeants, Daniel Dravot and Peachy Carnehan, who journey from India through Afghanistan to the primitive wilds of Kafiristan to seek their fortunes. This results in Dravot being crowned king.

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    A report on the Consultants dispute in the National Health Serivce.

    An interview with Mrs Sarah Morrison - ex-Vice-chair of the Conservative Party.

    The situation between Ian Smith's regime in Rhodesia and the ...


    DIVISION 1975

    Great Britain

    Discussion on democracy in Australia, Rhodesia, Northern Ireland and particularly India.


    ANNEE 71 1975

    Great Britain

    Explores the conflicting attitudes towards development in an 'under-developed ar ea' the Seychelles, and points out how economic advance can destroy more than it creates.

    PANORAMAGreat Britain

    White farmer Des Bawden and black barrister Sottayi Katsere participate in a programme which considers whether all races can live peacfully in Rhodesia ten years after the declaration of UDI.

    Rhodesia, South Africa

    A travelogue advertising Rhodesia as a tourist destination. Main scenes include wildlife in game reserves, Victoria Falls, the ruins of Zimbabwe (presented as a "mystery"), and the Matapos Hills. The Kariba Dam is also shown, with ...

    Great Britain

    A fictional study of Imperial India seen through the reminiscences of an exiled daughter of a Marajah and an elderly English tutor who meet over afternoon tea. Includes actual newsreels of court life discovered in the archives of the Raj ...


    A travelogue advertising the touristic delights of Bulawayo and district. It includes shots of landscapes in Rhodesia, big game, fishing, the Kariba Dam, and Victoria Falls. There are aerial shots of Bulawayo, along with planes, trains, hotels, ...

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    An interview with James Callaghan about Britain's foreign policy, NATO, Cyprus, Rhodesia, the EEC and the economic situation.

    A report on doubts about Concorde's commercial service to the USA.

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    An interview with Sir Keith Joseph.

    A report on the current situation in Rhodesia, including an interview with Prime Minister, Ian Smith.

    Rhodesia Collection

    A magazine programme. Items are: Umvukwes Art Group; Maize and Tobacco - 'A Tale of Two Crops'; 'School for Sailing' - held annually on Lake McIlwaine.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Film of Viv and Paddy Wilson's(?) Chipingali wild animal sanctuary near Bulawayo. 1975?

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Film about Mubi, an African Game Guard, and his white rhinos in the Matopos National Park near Bulawayo. 1975?

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Film about Aloes and the flora of Rhodesia. The arid parts of Rhodesia and the flowers they support. Harold Basil Christopher Garden,

    Young white painting landscape in the wild. The Traditional thrashing of corn. The Zimbabwe ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    A film about Kwanangoma Music College. 1975?

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films purchased from the collection of Henry Berriff, a ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Recruiting film for the Rhodesian S.A.S. Purports to show something of S.A.S. "selection" and a training exercise. 1975?

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and ...