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    Fourth of nine programmes showing the work of the Royal Hong Kong Police, filmed over a three month period during the summer of 1977. Inspector Brown is under investigation by the anti-corruption commission.


    BELIZE 1978


    Training in Britain's last jungle training country, Belize in Central America. Following jungle patrols, navy movements and air to ground/sea attacks.


    Promotional film on participation of Buccaneers from 12 Squadron RAF in Exercise Open Gate in the Mediterranean. Scenes include deployment of ground crews to Gibraltar by C130 Hercules, passage of squadron Buccaneers from the UK to Gibraltar ...


    Training film on the work of Naval chaplains in ships and shore establishments. Introduced by the Rev. John Oliver the film shows chaplains working at HMS Raleigh in Devon, HM Naval Base Gibraltar, HMS Rooke, on the guided missile cruiser, HMS Blake, ...


    ZULU DAWN 1979

    Netherlands, USA

    Despite orders to the contrary from the British government, the English forces in Natal in 1879 attack the Zulu King Cetschwayo, leading to the massacre of 1500 British soldiers by 25,000 Zulu warriors.

    TONIGHTGreat Britain

    Items include: Boat people arriving in Hong Kong [7.32 dur] Botha talking about the new Muzorewa government in Rhodesia [5.05 dur], Botha talking about elections in Namibia [5.55 dur], and about the Wiehahn Commision in South Africa ...


    Based on real life events, the film takes place during the guerrilla phase of the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902). Three officers from an Australian volunteer unit operating at the fringes of British controlled territory are accused of executing ...

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    Report on black and white communities in Umtali region.


    Live inter-continental TV show hosted by David Frost which conducts `debates' by satellite, and involving a studio audience, on contentious issues.

    PANORAMAGreat Britain

    Includes an item looking at the progress and deterioration of the conflict in Northern Ireland through the eyes of two men, Jerry Fitt and William Craig, enemies in the political arena of 1970, but now with very similar views.

    Rhodesia Collection

    Film of Operation "Uric"(?), a Rhodesian Security Forces operation to destroy bridges in Mozambique in order to prevent terrorists entering into Rhodesia.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the ...


    Amateur compilation made to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of HMS Ajax in the Battle of the River Plate (Rio de Plata) combines film shot during the veterans' visit to Buenos Aires (Argentina), including laying of ...


    This edition includes a report on the Vietnamese boat people and what Hong Kong is doing to help the refugees.


    Looks at the Asian Arts Festival in Hong Kong which features the practice of traditional theatrical, musical and dance acts.


    Hong Kong has a good housing programme with 200,000 people in public building estates. But 1 million still live in hillside shanty towns or in sub-standard housing. The aim is to build 200,000 houses a year for the next 5 years but lack of space is a ...


    A record of Prince Charles' visit to Hong Kong.


    DILEMMA 1979


    Made entirely on location in Belize, the film tells the parallel and overlapping stories of two men on the same squadron, one a Harrier pilot and the other a young technician. We are shown how both men are faced with the same dilemma - whether to ...


    Production footage from LWT of the Rhodesian elections of 1980.


    STAYING ON 1980

    Great Britain

    TV dramatisation of the novel by Paul Scott about an elderly English couple who stay on in India after the fall of the Briitsh Raj. Transmitted in 1980

    WORLD ABOUT USGreat Britain

    Shows the ecological system based on the Amate fig tree, found in the tropical forests of Belize. The tree in turn is dependent upon the instinctive behaviour of microscopic black wasps, which lay eggs within the fig, which ...

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    A report and analysis of the Rhodesian elections to be held on 4/3/1980 - the first universal suffrage elections.


    1980 elections in Rhodesia.


    Wild life documentary filmed on the Falkland Islands about a colony of five million penguins that live there.


    Examines two countries, Uganda and Zimbabwe Rhodesia [sic] which are African troublespots. Looks at how the decisions of Africa's rulers effect their people. Looks at how wars and crises create refugee problems.


    The story of Alec Smith, son of the Rhodesia Prime Minister, as drop-out, former drug smuggler and addict and his role as as army padre and peacemaker in Zimbabwe


    Impressionistic account, without commentary, of day-to-day life onboard HMS Coventry as she sails from Portsmouth to Hong Kong via Singapore.

    "Monday 19th May PORTSMOUTH" The destroyer HMS Coventry sets off from ...


    Men of the Yorkshire Regiment being interviewed on various locations in Gibraltar.

    The men discuss how they came to be in the army and how they like Gibraltar. Scenes of a band parading for the Changing of the Guard, ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Narrated documentary film depicting the 'Laying of Colours' ceremony of the 1st Battalion Rhodesian Light Infantry on 17/10/80. The occasion marked the disbanding of the Infantry after the establishment of the Republic of Zimbabwe. ...


    A look at the Metro-Cammell factory in Birmingham which designs and builds a variety of metro trains, looking in particular at the planning and building of the 'Kowloon Connection', a metro system between Hong Kong and Kowloon. The designing and ...


    I. Scenes onboard Royal Navy submarine.

    II.Seeking and destroying enemy aircraft by ship launched missile system.

    III. Royal Marine Commandos attack and successfully destroy an enemy radar system.

    IV.Urgent supplies are ferried by ...


    Illustrates the range of base training and field activities of the RAF Tactical Communications Wing, established to provide mobile ground communications to helicopter/Harrier squadrons in forward deployment, and occasionally in locations outside NATO ...

    Hong Kong

    General film on Hong Kong and its people, covering the contrast of city and rura l life, customs, beliefs, cuisine, festivals and tourist attractions

    Great Britain

    Shows how Hong Kong has developed from a trading port in the 19th century to an international centre of world trade. Argues that this has been achieved by a freedom of economic action, producing jobs, rising living standards and the lowest ...

    Great Britain

    Outlines the growing diplomatic row between Britain and Argentina over sovereignty of the Falklands.


    Dramatised film in which the Leander Class frigate HMS Achilles (F.12), deployed to the Caribbean, provides disaster relief following a hurricane. While the ship's Wasp helicopter assesses the extent of the damage, teams from the ship land on Antigua ...

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    A specially extended edition of TV EYE on the Falklands, at the end of week six of the crisis. First, Peter Gill's report from New York looks at the attempts of British diplomats (in particular Sir Nicholas Henderson, British ...

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    The Falklands crisis: report from Argentina on the hardening ofattitudes, and on the latest moves at the United Nations


    Documentary which looks at the events on South Georgia after invasion by the Argentinian forces had caused wildlife camera team Cindy Buxton and Annie Price to be cut off from the UK. The film features footage of wildlife ...

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on the growing problems which the UK is encountering over the disputed ownership of the Falkland Islands with an interview with the new Foreign Secretary, Francis Pym.


    GANDHI 1982

    Great Britain, India, USA

    Biopic of famed Indian lawyer and activist Mahatma Gandhi, whose methods of non-violent protest against the British Empire led to him becoming a popular leader until his assassination in 1948.

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    Report on the Falklands crisis. Llew Gardner reports from Downing Street and Julian Manyon reports from Argentina. Denis Tuohy leads a studio debate with Falkland Islanders living in Britain. Includes a clip of General Alfredo Saint ...

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    A report on how the growing conflict in the Falklands is affecting people in Britain. Peter Gill reports from the UN with an interview with Sir Anthony Parsons.

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on the statement in the House of Commons special session on Saturday April 3rd by the prime minister which may have committed the UK to war over the Falklands with Argentina. With an interview with Defence minister ...

    Great Britain

    Special royal gala show recorded at the Coliseum Theatre in London attended by The Prince of Wales.

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    Report on the developments in the crisis involving the Falkland Islands with rep orts from Buenos Aires on the effects of the military costs on the country and o n the options left open to the British government.

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on the latest news from the South Atlantic with interviews with Jon Connell, Col. Neil Maude, Air Chief Marshall, Sir Anthony Steedman, Edward Gueritz, Andrew Thompson, Harold Blakemore, Patrick Keatley, Philip Windsor, ...

    COAST TO COASTGreat Britain

    Rushes to be inserted into series. Pipers playing lament as a container with war dead is taken off ship.

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on what may happen after the Falkland dispute is over and the Islands have once again to be administered. Included in the programme is an interview with Cecil Parkinson, Conservative Party Chairman and member of the ...