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    Kenya government's Land Development and Settlement Board scheme to encourage Africans to return to the land and farm small five to ten acre plots is forcing large landowners in scheduled areas to sell up . Two such farmers, an English settler living ...


    Report tries to assess the possible effect on Malayan society if Sarawak, Brunei, North Borneo and Singapore unite to form the Federation of Malaysia.

    Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman says the purpose of the plan is ...


    The Duke of Edinburgh's South American tour.

    Specific aim of tour was to discover opportunities for British business in this potentially wealthy continent which Britain helped develop last century, but which has ...


    Report on the political and economic condition of Sierra Leone tries to assess the way the country will develop.

    State is described as peaceful and democratic and the Governor General Sir Maurice Dorman says it "got ...


    The attitudes of leading Singaporean politicians and businessmen towards the possible merger of Singapore with the Federation of Malaya.

    Present prosperity of Singapore derives from her importance as the financial ...


    Proposed new constitution which British Government is considering for Protectorate of Swaziland will give half the seats in the new Legislative Council to 7000 European settlers and the other half to 250,000 Swazis.



    Report on "Operation Noah" and on efforts to tackle another ecological problem created by the construction of the Kariba Dam, the spread of a floating water fern.

    Wildlife is being stranded on small islands behind ...


    Report on how British forces are countering Dr Sukarno's efforts to undermine the new Federation of Malaysia.

    Indonesia has failed to disrupt the Malaysian economy (interview with Singapore Finance Minister who says ...


    Report from Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, follows the apparently similar working day of a middle-class white, a butcher, and a middle-class African, a brewery representative, then lets a group of whites and a group of ...


    Report on present day Hong Kong which examines the implications for the Colony's future once the lease on the New Territories runs out in 1997, when five-sixths of the area revert to China


    A retrospective compilation of news stories of 1965.

    a. Punch-up in the Irish Republic between police and supporters of the banned IRA. b. Viet Cong film of military action in Vietnam. c. Traditional ball at Vienna ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. Shop assistant in New York store selling various bugging devices describes and demonstrates some of his gadgets which monitor telephone calls undetected and pick up conversations through ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Film of the specialised jungle warfare training which US conscripts receive before being posted to Vietnam. After basic training, soldiers are taught how to search a typical native house ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. Report on the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference which discussed the Rhodesia crisis. Belief of the majority of delegates that the UDI problem "can only be solved by force" is ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Report investigates local reactions to the killing by ZANU terrorists of a white couple in the farming district of Hartley. Neighbours appear fearless, and determined not to renounce their ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Recent judgement of the International Court at The Hague that Ethiopia and Liberia had no right to bring a case against South Africa's control of South West Africa will in effect enable Dr ...


    Views of the C-in-C Middle East, Secretary General of the South Arabian League, Acting High Commissioner and various British civilians in Aden on the colony's future after independence.

    Admiral Sir Michael Le Fanu ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. British Gurkha troops guard against Indonesian infiltration in Borneo. Soldiers are seen at a front camp receiving supplies dropped from a Beverly, on patrol in the jungle, and preparing ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Assessment of the politics and personality of Vorster and their probable effect on the future of South Africa. A former pro-Nazi and lawyer who as Minister of Justice was responsible for ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. The effect of sanctions on Rhodesian politics. Sanctions against Rhodesia have had unexpected economic and psychological effects, according to a Salisbury stockbroker who says that blockade ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Story of the attempt by two Britons to row across the Atlantic which ended when their specially built and well-equipped 15 and a half ft. boat capsized. Probability is that Puffin was ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Inauguration of the Volta Dam by Nkrumah. President warns against the "encroachments of neo-colonialism" and indeed his recent remarks on this subject account for the absence of Mrs. ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. Background to the fighting in Kashmir. Indian forces have now crossed the UN ceasefire line and are seen on patrol, counting enemy dead and manning check-points in Srinagar. Gouma Nkala ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. Terrorist campaign to force Britain to grant Aden independence before 1968 has spread from the Radfan Mountains where the Army and RAF have been attacking rebel positions to Qatar City ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Report on the military tension on the border between Sikkim and China reveals the vulnerability of the small Indian protectorate. Film of a few Chinese soldiers with cameras gives no ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Report on the likely consequences for Rhodesia if the London negotiations end in deadlock and Prime Minister Smith makes a unilateral declaration of independence. UDI would be treason, ...


    Report examines the reaction of white Rhodesians to Ian Smith's rejection of Wilson's proposals for an independence settlement and also shows that the effect of sanctions on the standard of living of Smith's supporters has ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Interview with Garfield Todd, who is under house arrest, and partial coverage of a news conference given by his gaoler Ian Smith. Former Prime Minister is pessimistic about Rhodesia's ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Report on British Guiana which is negotiating for independence by February 1966, assesses the possibility of renewed violence after that date. Prime Minister Forbes Burnham (interview) ...


    Combination of film of street scenes in Canton ("first film since the recent trouble") and interviews with two Hong Kong correspondents forms the basis of this report on the purpose and effect of the "great proletarian ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Life in Rhodesia appears to have been outwardly little affected by Smith's unilateral declaration of independence. During the week following UDI the Africans remained calm, while Rhodesians ...


    Report on reactions to Ian Smith's UDI, in Addis Ababa, Lusaka and Salisbury.

    Communiqu at end of Organisation of African Unity's meeting (opened by Haile Selassie) is vague, although reportedly member states may ...


    Report outlines the political background to the stepped-up violence in Aden and shows how conditions for British soldiers and their families are becoming increasingly dangerous.

    Anti-British terrorism will not cease, ...


    Report in two sections.

    Reel 1. Rhodesian reactions to Smith's closure of the border with Zambia. Guerrillas now conduct raids across the border against white settlers: a tobacco farmer whose wife was killed ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Prime Minister Ian Smith and a former tobacco farmer explain how Rhodesia has overcome the effect of sanctions introduced last December by the UN. Statistical evidence that the GNP is down ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. Report concludes that riots in Hong Kong are being instigated by Peking in order to humiliate the British rather than to force them to give up their colony, which is useful to the ...


    RAF film on the Falcons parachute display team, beginning with training in the Persian Gulf during which the team are shown practising manoeuvres while in freefall from 12,000 feet. The Falcons then move on to an eight week tour of Australia as part ...


    The Royal Artillery Guided Weapons Range and facilities established on South Uist and Benbecula in the Outer Hebrides and a regiment during the course of firing practice.


    Content information copied from SSVC Army Film Catalogue 1987 ...


    Information video aboard the ship HMS Ocean in Gibraltar. Royal Marines dealing with food deliveries, waste disposal and maintenance of deck hatches for movement of large items. Gazelle and Sea King helicopters are ...


    HMS Albion arrives to help in the withdrawal from Aden. Onshore the Royal Marines stay on the alert.

    A small party of British troops, presumably Roman Catholics, prepare for an open- ...


    A guide for service visitors. 1998 edit. Similar to 1996 version but with a male voiceover and the emphasis on military arrest procedures. A guide providing good information commentary on life in Gibraltar for members ...


    (Reels 1-3) HMS Albion (R.07) in the Far East (off Malaya during the Indonesian confrontation ?). Includes Westland Wessex helicopter parked up - Royal Marines in full kit come up to deck on the lift. Other ships include HMS ...


    I. Book launch for "White Ensign Red Dragon: History of the Royal Navy in Hong Kong 1841 1997" by Peter J Melson. Admiral Sir Jock Slater gives a speech, and later joins the author and Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten in ...


    Aerial shots of the aircraft carrier HMS Invincible (R05) and the Type 42 destroyer HMS Newcastle arriving in Hong Kong harbour; also shots of the two vessels from shore and waterline after docking. Also featured is the fleet ...


    (Tape 1) Divisions ceremony of ships' crews on dockside with inspection at HMS Malabar RN station in Bermuda; salute and prayers. The four ships alongside; also various cut-in shots.

    (Tape 2) Ship's ...


    ROYAL TOUR 1970



    Film showing the Royal Warwickshire Regiment on location in the New Territories, Hong Kong.

    The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1st Battalion, marching with their mascot and transporting goods across land in Chinese ...