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    Looks at early race relations in Britain. Tells the story of a West Indian man as he makes his way from the false equality of an England v. West Indies cricket match to the reality of trying to find accommodation ...

    Great Britain

    Residents of a Cheshire Home in Singapore shown in various activities, especially crafts, e.g., toy-making.

    PATHE NEWSGreat Britain

    Includes: repatriation to Tristan da Cunha from Tilbury.

    ROVING REPORTGreat Britain

    The first election in Kenya; interviews with R.G. Ngala, Jomo Kenyatta and Thomas Joseph Mboya.

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    A Home For 'Coco' - baby monkey at Bumba national park.

    Rhodesian Art In London - Princess Margaret opens.

    A Veritable Vintner - man who makes wine from fruit.

    Women of the Law - women police ...

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Always be Careful - road safety mobile unit.

    Luangwa Prepares - game reserve.

    Chains For Industry - manufacture of.

    Assegai Competition - Arnold Carnegie Assegai competition for boy scouts.

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Rhodesian Showcase - trade fair in Bulawayo.

    Preview of the Primates - tobacco farmer studies the habits of primates.

    New Road to Dande - scenes of cutting the road.

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Christmas 1963 - composite reel of Christmas festivities in Rhodesia.


    The Alaska copper refinery near Broken Hill - runs through the processes of copper refining and the benefits it brings to the black workers.


    An examination of the different aspects of the role of a policeman in Southern Rhodesia through dramatised reconstructions.

    A police band marching. A dramatised robbery in which a policeman is shot while trying to apprehend the criminals. ...

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Bundles of Energy - 2 leopard cubs kept by Jason Cambitzi.

    Mainly for the Naturalist - natural history section of museum.

    Heart of the Midlands - Gwelo youth week parade.

    "Scenes so Lovely" - Zambezi ...

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Our Shop Window - trade fair.

    New Industry for Lusaka - cigarette factory.

    Glimpses into the Past - cave paintings.

    Go-Kart Grand Prix.