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    Report in two sections.

    1. Interviews on the hustings with Kenyatta and Ngala do not reveal the tribal animosity which reporter considers is the crucial factor in dividing the African vote between KANU and KADU. KANU ...


    Report on Trinidad one year after independence focuses on the possibility that political life may develop along racial lines as has happened in nearby British Guiana.

    Island is at present governed by Dr Eric Williams ...


    Creation of Malaysian Federation has incensed Dr Sukarno who considers this grouping of former British colonies a neo-colonialist plot which thwarts his ambitions for territorial expansion .

    Recent violent anti- ...

    United States of America

    A film biography of Lord Louis Mountbatten, covering his life from 1900 to 1963.

    The film, almost exclusively using archive material, follows Mountbatten's birth and family background, his ...


    Film on the deployment of the Queen's Royal Irish Hussars to Sarawak during the Indonesian confrontation. Showing foot and vehicle patrols in Saladin and Ferret armoured cars, vehicle checkpoints and off-duty activities.


    BARBADOS 1964

    TONIGHTGreat Britain
    Great Britain

    During a savage Mahdi attack on Barash under Victorian British rule, Richard Baker, thrice demoted sergeant, rescues an English governess, her charge and a callow subaltern. Baker hopes to escape by river to Khartoum but the wreckage of ...

    Great Britain, USA

    A British regiment stationed in a newly independent African state is preparing to celebrate the Queen's birthday when Colonel Deal is ordered to hand over command to the African Captain Abraham pending the result of political ...

    Central African Federation

    Jim and Jane tour Rhodesia.

    Great Britain

    Actuality: uncut footage, posibly out-takes of events during and surrounding the filming of "Thunderball" in the Bahamas.

    Shots of large props including Harrier jet(?) being built; speedboat which separates from larger cruiser. Air ...


    COLONY 1964


    A documentary impression of some of the West Indians now living in Birmingham. Features a railwayman from St. Kitts, a bus conductor from Jamaica, a family of singers from Trinidad and a nurse from Barbados.

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain