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    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    110 Mile March - Lusaka.

    Show Season - Gwelo show and military tatto in Salisbury.

    Kariba Exercise - army help in operation Noah.

    Economy Boost - J.A. Clark interviewed.

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    M.P.'s Visit - Copperbelt. Speeding on the Shire - Nyasaland Power Boat Club on the Shire River, Liwonde. Hockey - N. Rhodesia Vs S. Africa - 2-2. Operation Rhino - second stage, road journey from Natal to S. ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Helicopter Exercise - new Aloutte copter.

    Schoolboy Explorers - fifty school boys on expedition in the Zambesi Valley.

    Consecration of Lusaka's Cathedral.

    Farewell Visit - Maj. Gen. Dimoline ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Sea Cadets Step Forward - presentation of colour by Lady Hone at the Kafue River.

    Lakeland Lepidopterist - butterfly collector Mr. Handman.

    Motor Racing Round-Up.

    At Home In Hughenden - ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Central African Film Unit Newsreel. Artists In Stamps - P. Jaffa makes portraits from old stamps and is also a yoga guru. Once Upon a Rhino - orphan rhino Rupert saved from the Kariba Dam is brought up on a ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Northern Rhodesia Elections - scenes.

    Cruising to Comoro - built by Paul Hodson.

    Training Young Farmers - Chibero agricultural college.

    "Rock Till You Drop" - Lusaka, new Federal non-stop ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    New Jets For C.A.A.

    School For the Blind - scenes in Kitwe of basket making and making bristle brooms.

    The Perfect Civil Servant - a computer.

    Unusual Pets - Nero a cheetah and a black eagle. ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Boys Brigade On Display - Roy Welensky inspects.

    Underwater Beat - new frogmen section of the B.S.A.P.

    Oh. Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy! - the Kennedy triplets born in Nyasaland.

    Rhodesian Grand Prix ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Christmas 1962 - a composite reel consisting of various Xmas activities in the Federation.

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Que Que at Home - for international trade.

    Centralised Train Control - scenes of its operation.

    Don't Blame the Dog - dog show and training.

    Sidelights on Kariba - spraying of weed on lake, ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Bob's Your Uncle - Mark 2 - signwriter and his one man band have a new caravan! Iron Age Relics - Zewa village. Snake Man - first black snake handler. Thicker Than Water - appeal for blood donors. What ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Garden Suburb - progress at Arcadia. Federal Swimming Championships - scenes. Forests of the Future - N. Rhodesia Forestry Department at work. War Against the Fly - Tsetse Research station at Lusulu.