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    Filmed in the territory of Papua, New Guinea, the film shows the first steps in building a home for mentally and physically handicapped children; it follows the development of the Home and the children's progress


    A dramatised documentary showing the work of the frigate HMS Loch Lomond on patrol in the Persian Gulf.

    Flag officer comes onboard to welcome the men of HMS Loch Lomond to the Persian Gulf. ...

    PANORAMAGreat Britain

    Report on the complexities of the fishing dispute following the Government's imposition of an exlusion zone around the Falkland Islands.

    PANORAMAGreat Britain

    Report from Grenada on Eric Gairy's recently installed Premiership and those who oppose his leadership.


    Documentary about development in Qatar, funded by wealth from oil, including increased standard of living, irrigation, new housing, hospitals and schools.

    Doha, the capital of Quatar, has been transformed into a modern city. Geographical ...

    Great Britain

    Melodrama dealing with racism. Centres on domestic difficulties which develop in a working class family when their daughter falls in love with a Jamaican.


    Examines two countries, Uganda and Zimbabwe Rhodesia [sic] which are African troublespots. Looks at how the decisions of Africa's rulers effect their people. Looks at how wars and crises create refugee problems.


    Film of Michael Stewart, Foreign Secretary, being interviewed on the Rhodesian situation shortly after the resignation of Governor Sir Humphrey Gibbs' resignation.

    The film indicates, among other things, why things ...

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    A report from the Falkland Islands on the real impact of the recent war on the islanders, now hosts to British troops in large numbers, the attitude of the troops to the Argentinian threat and the problems caused by the islands ...

    Great Britain, USA

    Adventure story about cowardice versus bravery among British soldiers in the 1880s.


    Film showing the variety of roles in the Royal Navy by illustrating four seamen, each working in a specific type of ship.

    Tony is a crew member on a British nuclear submarine, "a most remarkable vessel". As an ...