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    The co-op officer and the problems he encounters in Sarawak.

    Great Britain

    The development and growth of the volcano from the beginning of the eruption in October 1961 until March 1962 when active growth had virtually ceased. The film indicates some of the effects of the volcano on the flora and fauna of the ...

    Great Britain

    A description of the significant changes which have occured in tropical Africa during this century. The contrasts between rural and urban life are shown, and the effects of European influence and the problems of independence. Modern ...

    PATHE NEWSGreat Britain

    Includes: Nairobi: independence for Kenya.

    Great Britain

    Holidays in the Caribbean: Bermuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Antigua, Tobago and Trinidad.

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Garden Suburb - progress at Arcadia. Federal Swimming Championships - scenes. Forests of the Future - N. Rhodesia Forestry Department at work. War Against the Fly - Tsetse Research station at Lusulu.

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    For the Farmer - composite item regarding farming.

    Livingstone's Game Park - scenes.

    Pioneer Town - Fort Victoria.

    Spotlight on Kariba - scenes.

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Mini-Mining - model of copper mine.

    Building Forum - exhibition of building materials.

    Castle in the Bush - scenes of the Lundazi settlement.

    Old-Timers Hit the Road - Shell vintage car rally.


    John Hooper weighs up the tobacco industry in Rhodesia - interviews with farmers and black workers about the working relationship; the sorting and grading of the product; auctions in Salisbury; interviews with the auction floor manager ...


    John Hooper interviews the General Manager of Bulawayo Railways about economics and freight from the north of the country to the ports; talks to the Operations Manager; mechanised workshops; reconditioning wagons; changing from steam to ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Keeping the Standard High - Kutsaga Tobacco Research Station. Piscatorial Taxidermist - Ken Morris on work on a tiger fish. Service By the Ton - Rhodesia Railway steam loco having a service at Bulawayo Motive ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Textile Town - scenes of Gatooma and its fire brigade. New Interests in Stone - Rhodesian gem and mineral society. Bashing Through the Bush - Ndola moror rally. RM 2497

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Barging up the Zambezi - construction of new barge.

    Dogs on Duty - police dog training.

    Pride of the Copperbelt - Ndola's airport and rail centre.

    Parts to Spare - motor scrap yard.

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    New Shaft at Roan - Roan Antelope copper mine.

    A Livingstone Industry - cane and steel furniture.

    Jubilee Run - diamond jubille train run from Gwelo to Selukwe, people in period dress.

    Great Britain, Rhodesia

    George Scott examines Rhodesia - stresses the little relative impact of the white community, possible for Africans to compete with whites for jobs, amplifies the segregation which still exists, politics and African involvement in ...

    Great Britain

    The work of the British Red Cross at home and at its overseas branches in Hong Kong, Kenya and Uganda.


    VHS of a series of still photographs with an accompanying written script. 1. Shots of Zanzibar, including places and buildings of note.

    2. Shots of Pemba.

    3. Shots of Dhows.

    4. Royal Occasions: significant events between 1956 and 1963 ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Documents the moving of people from the Batonka valley on the Zambesi River because of the plans to build the Kariba Dam, and their situation 10 years on.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia ...


    I. Guildhall welcome ceremony for the Queen and Prince Philip on their return from their 3-month tour of Fiji, New Zealand and Australia. Among those present are Macmillan, Duncan Sandys, the Lord Mayor of London and Commonwealth representatives. ...


    I. The waters of the Zambezi pour through the floodgates of the Kariba Dam in Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

    II. Belgian Grand Prix takes place in pouring rain: called off after 6 laps. Jim Clark wins; shots of him and Graham Hill.

    III. The ...


    Film showing the Royal Warwickshire Regiment on location in the New Territories, Hong Kong.

    The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1st Battalion, marching with their mascot and transporting goods across land in Chinese ...


    Edited report of 1st Battalion 7th Gurkha Rifles patrolling river by native motor launch, names and photographs of wanted terrorists in briefing room, briefing prior to Wessex helicopter dropping soldiers into jungle clearing, bringing in captured ...


    Amateur film shot by Major Allan Cameron of 1st Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers when serving at Headquarters 48 Gurkha Infantry Brigade records scenes of military and local life, including contrast between Chinese shanty towns and wealth, ...

    Stafford Collection

    Trip to Murchison Falls, Uganda, and to Malindi via Mombasa.

    Rees Collection

    1962: Various shots Nairobi. The Annual Royal Kenya Agricultural Show.

    Nairobi decorations & Independence Day ceremonies 12/12/63, with Jomo Kenyatta, Ian Macleod (Colonial Secretary), and the Duke of Edinburgh.

    1964: visit ...

    Rees Collection

    Independence celebrations in Nairobi in December 1963. Visitors from the local reserves arriving in numbers and Mr Rees and his children dressed for the occasion. The Embu drummers and dancers performing on the occasion of a special ...

    King Collection

    1. Spectacular views of the Victoria Falls. Some poor visibility due to spray. Shows both the Falls, the canyon and the rainbow created by the spray.

    2. Exterior views of an older style wooden bungalow set in the area of the Falls. ...

    Peskett Collection

    A safari round East Africa from Kampala in 1963 including: Murchison Falls National Park and Lake Victoria in Uganda, Crampton's Inn at Kitali and the highest road summit in Kenya. Momella Game Park and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanganyika ...

    Marsh Collection

    This is a film of the first visit to Nairobi and includes a day at the horse races and a show, with vintage cars, gymnkana, and marching bands. General views around Nairobi and a section of the East African Safari Rally. Further scenes ...

    Lewis-Barned Collection

    Tanganyika Independence celebrations 1962. The Governor's departure from Tanganyika by Frigate. Lewis-Barned voyage home from Tanganyika in 1963 on the 'Kenya Castle': Durban, Capetown, Table Moutain. Ascension, St Helena ...

    Williams Collection

    Journey to South Africa. Basutoland.

    Production / Donor Details: Ellis and Greta Williams worked for the Government in Uganda from 1949 to independence; Mr. Williams worked at the Treasury, Mrs. Williams as an official ...


    Sammy, aged ten, is orphaned in an air raid at Port Said during Suez. He sets out alone with a toy compass to find his only relative, Aunt Jane, in Durban. After encounters with a Syrian pedlar, a rich American tourist and her guide from whom he ...


    USUTU 1963

    An area in Swaziland, adjacent to the Great Usutu River, was found to be ideal for planting a vast forest of quick pines. After intensive research a pulp mill of a new type which does not feed any effluent into the river was erected and put into ...


    Tom and Sukie arrive in Malta to spend the holidays with their father, an archae ologist digging for a legendary golden statue of Calypso on the island of Gozo. He fails to meet the children who mke friends with Jiminy, a Maltese boy, ...


    TABÙ 1963

    An enquiry into taboos, particularly sexual, around the world including scenes of: a bare-breasted Fijian night-club dancer, street scenes in Helsinki, a festival parade in Nagoya and lepers receiving holy communion at a leprosarium in India.


    By Jiminy 1963


    Tom and Sukie arrive in Malta to spend the holidays with their father, an archae ologist digging for a legendary golden statue of Calypso on the island of Gozo. He fails to meet the children who mke friends with Jiminy, a Maltese boy, ...


    Depicts the building and opening of the London Missionary Society Hospital, Mbereshi, North Rhodesia. Also includes a survey of the work of the hospital and medical work carried out in the district, including the dispensary at Kazembe. LMS mission ...


    Carnival 1963


    Tom and Sukie arrive in Malta to spend the holidays with their father, an archaeologist digging for a legendary golden statue of Calypso on the island of Gozo. He fails to meet the children who make friends with Jiminy, a Maltese boy, ...


    Hong Kong under the personal supervision of Mr. Norman F.C. Li. Grateful thanks to Mr Wu Chung for meeting the cost of the film the work of the British Red Cross Society Hong Kong Branch on the 100th anniversary of the BRCS and the 12th Anniversary of ...


    Kidnapped 1963


    Tom and Sukie arrive in Malta to spend the holidays with their father, an archae ologist digging for a legendary golden statue of Calypso on the island of Gozo. He fails to meet the children who mke friends with Jiminy, a Maltese boy, ...


    The United Nations and its first attempt to take direct and sole responsibility for governing a territory. The seven month control of West New Guinea.

    Marsh Collection

    Safaris in Kenya north of Mombasa, and the Royal Show


    Aerial sequence showing elements of the Far Eastern Fleet steaming in review order.

    Aerial shots from a helicopter passing over ships of the Far Eastern Fleet steaming in ...


    Royal Navy communications training film; includes scenes in Malta. Ships featured include HMS Birmingham, HMS Dundas, HMS Falmouth, HMS Berwick, HMS Brighton and HMS Hampshire.


    Proposed new constitution which British Government is considering for Protectorate of Swaziland will give half the seats in the new Legislative Council to 7000 European settlers and the other half to 250,000 Swazis.



    Effect of British semi-withdrawal from Malta.

    Changes in British strategic policy and the development of new weapons have largely contributed to the run-down of service bases on Malta, which is thus deprived of its ...


    Report in two sections: interviews with Southern Rhodesians, followed by a brief international survey of railway problems.

    1. Interviews with Southern Rhodesians recorded before the announcement of Britain's decision ...


    Interviews with a district commissioner, oil executive, student union leader and girl teacher form the basis of this report on the attitudes of African Kenyans outside politics who are typical of the people who will ...