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    ROVING REPORTGreat Britain

    The film offers a review of the current dvelopments in the countries surrounding Rhodesia, and shows the troops patrolling the Rhodesian border.


    A look at the emigration business in Hong Kong in the run-up to 1997; and a profile of Rayman, who learned his music from Hong Kong street beggers.


    Looks at Fiji.


    A look at our neighbours from China and Hong Kong.


    OUT EAST 1961


    The story of HMS Victorious' 1960-1961 Far East commission.

    PORTSMOUTH. HMS Victorious lies alongside with HMS Victory in the background. Before she leaves on her Far East tour she must work ...


    The story of Karen Blixen, who wrote under the name of Isak Dinesen about her experiences in Kenya. She moves to Africa with her husband, investing all her money in a farm which is ultimately unprofitable. Her marriage of convenience deteriorates, ...

    LOOK AT LIFEGreat Britain

    The life of Africans against the background of village life and life in the cities of Rhodesia and in the Copper Belt of Northern Rhodesia.

    ROVING REPORTGreat Britain

    Racial conflict in Kenya.


    PACIFIC 77 1977

    Great Britain

    Follows the procedures of a 2 week conference in the Solomon Islands, organised by the Pacific Conference of Churches and Melanesian Council of Churches, which examines the particular issues which are of relevance to the Pacific region, ...

    PANORAMAGreat Britain

    Includes an item looking at the progress and deterioration of the conflict in Northern Ireland through the eyes of two men, Jerry Fitt and William Craig, enemies in the political arena of 1970, but now with very similar views.


    A special report to the United Nations on the state of the trust territory of Papua New Guinea. As such the film covers a variety of topics, including social and economic conditions, and the political climate as the territory approaches self-government ...


    Reel 1: Preparing Army Scout helicopter on airfield. Lifting crated load. Aden rock in background? SRN5 hovercraft prepared on airfield. Army Air Corps Scout lands, and is serviced and refuelled. In flight views of arid moutainous terrain, then ...