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    Rhodesia Collection

    Development of Rhodesia's parliamentary system from early pioneering days.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films purchased from the ...


    Recruitment film for the Royal Navy, focusing on the "Dragon Squadron", based in Hong Kong. The Dragon Squadron is responsible for assisting the Hong Kong police in policing Hong Kong's waters. Includes scenes onboard patrol ships HMS Yarnton, HMS ...


    Documentary showing life in the Women's Royal Naval Service, described by Wrens in their own words.

    The demands and satisfactions of a career in the WRNS are illustrated by reference to work and off-duty scenes at a ...


    Shows how the port of Hong Kong has developed over the years into a major intern ational port, and outlines the develop-ments to ensure its future prosperity


    The Hong Kong government programme that has rehoused 40% of thepopulation.


    A territorial survey of Belize (formerly British Honduras) as an introduction to a Staff College tactical exercise.


    Content information copied from SSVC Army Film Catalogue 1983 - 1984


    Briefing film to give armed forced personnel and their families an insight into the conditions of service in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories. Showing the work of 51 Infantry Brigade, 48 Gurkha Infantry Brigade and the Army Air Corps; "HMS ...


    Report in two sections.

    Reel 1. Rhodesian reactions to Smith's closure of the border with Zambia. Guerrillas now conduct raids across the border against white settlers: a tobacco farmer whose wife was killed ...

    German Federal Republic

    Documentary about the prolific Hong Kong film industry which rolls off 250 featu res a year.


    Propagandic film extolling the wonderful life and achievements of Rhodesia. Emphasis is on united Rhodesians, with footage of them in various situations - agricultural shows, city scenes, country scenes and village scenes. It looks at the ...

    Hong Kong

    Shows the opportunities for industrial investment offered by Hong Kong


    1. Umvukwes Art Group - A women's painting exhibition in Salisbury. the group started in July 1972 in Umvekwes (in the North East of the country). Most of the women are farmers'wives and terrorist attacks are mentioned. Scenes are shown of the ...