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    PARADEGreat Britain


    Items on the modern postal automated systems. Delivery of air-mailed flowers to Westminster Abbey from Jamaica; Spode Commemorative Plate made for Westminster Abbey; a rodeo marks Guyana's independence - attended ...


    PARTITION 1987

    INDIAN SUMMERGreat Britain

    A parable about the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947.

    Great Britain, USA

    Epic drama set in Chandrapore in the 1920s, about the relationships between a group of English people and a Muslim doctor who is accused of assaulting an English woman during a visit to the Marabar Caves.

    PATHE NEWSGreat Britain

    Includes: Nairobi: independence for Kenya.

    PATHE NEWSGreat Britain

    Includes: repatriation to Tristan da Cunha from Tilbury.


    "To Westminster - The Queen." HM Queen Elizabeth II undertakes the State Opening of Parliament, April 1966.

    Newsreel cameras film the State Opening of Parliament for the first time. Among those also in attendance is ...

    Great Britain

    The work of the British Red Cross Society. Comm. Alan Badel


    Documentary report on the plight of the Vietnam refugees in Hong Kong where for every four that leave the camps five take their places.

    Great Britain

    Shows the many tourist attractions of Hong Kong


    Survey of the life of the islanders and their reaction to modern life.

    Pitcairn Island in 1962 was an exceedingly remote place inhabited by a very small number of people – just 128, according to The Pitcairn People’s ...
    PLACE IN THE SUNGreat Britain

    Chris and Alison Wright look at homes in the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean.


    Shows how the port of Hong Kong has developed over the years into a major intern ational port, and outlines the develop-ments to ensure its future prosperity